Fashion design combining agar bioplastics with other materials
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yutaro Kori
Abstract: This study aimed to utilize agar-based bioplastics derived from natural sources, in conjunction with fabrics such as denim, to pioneer new avenues in fashion design and textile creation. Specifically, the production of fashion items using agar bioplastics was explored. Further, on the basis of the findings and insights acquired research through design, experimental fabrication of textile samples was conducted by amalgamating bioplastics with ten different types of fabric. The experiments revealed texture variations depending on the fabric used, indicating the potential for novel texture expression through the combination of agar bioplastics and fabrics. However, it was also found that the application of agar bioplastics as a fabric coating could produce several similar textures. Although agar bioplastics are biodegradable, the fabric also contains non-biodegradable materials therefore, the development of processing and recycling methods for agar bioplastics must constitute a major area of concern for future research.
Keywords: Fashion Design, Materials Design, Textiles Design, Agar Bioplastics
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004911
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