Evolving Anthropometric Traits of Slovak Consumers and Their Impact on Furniture and Furniture Marketing
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Peter Starchon, Milos Hitka, Milos Gejdos, Andrej Miklosik
Abstract: The current development of anthropometric data in the Slovak population, noticeable in the area of increasing average height and weight, is expected to have an impact on furniture production and furniture marketing. This contribution is based on selected changes in anthropometric characteristics of the Slovak population between 1993 and 2023, recorded on a sample of more than 15,000 respondents—university students in Slovakia. The paper itself directly derives from the identified changes, with the aim of providing an overview of the current consumer demands for furniture industry products and their expectations regarding furniture marketing, primarily in the area of beds, mattresses, and chairs made of wood, based on the results of primary research. The research methodology was based on a combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The primary quantitative research was conducted through an online questionnaire survey with a sample of 1000 respondents at the turn of 2022 and 2023 (with a follow-up currently underway in late 2023/early 2024), and qualitative research using focus group interviews was conducted in December 2023 with a total of 18 participants.Even though the current results indicate that consumers are generally satisfied with the furniture product portfolio, considering the global trend of increasing obesity in the population, it is meaningful to invest in the development of furniture with higher load capacity. The most significant gap in the market was identified in the product categories of chairs and office chairs. Another product category is represented by beds, which, while available in the desired quality, face challenges with higher prices and a limited range. Additionally, the lack of a range of wooden bed slats that have durability was observed. Also due to the increasing average weight as well as height of consumers, changes in standardised bed sizes and weight limits are required. In the case of mattresses, the market offer fully reflects consumer expectations, considering both the increasing average weight and height. Concerning furniture marketing, increased attention from sellers should focus on enhancing transparency and providing information about the weight capacity of furniture, material structure, durability, and the possibility to try out furniture in person. Negative consumer experiences in furniture purchases have been noted in relation to the knowledge and advisory capabilities of salespersons in assisting with furniture selection. This research was supported by the project APVV-20-0004 The Effect of an Increase in the Anthropometric Measurements of the Slovak Population on the Functional Properties of Furniture and the Business Processes.
Keywords: Anthropometric Characteristics, Standardised Sizes And Weight Limits, Furniture, Furniture Marketing
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004946
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