Creative and Effective Human Artificial Intelligence Co-Evolution -Interactive Front-End Content Generation

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Vesa SalminenJyrki PeltomaaJuha Varis

Abstract: Artificial Intelligence, AI, as technology has been already a long time a great innovative opportunity to develop our functions and operations. Recently generative AI (e.g. Open AI, ChatGPT) has been in the focus. Artificial intelligence will change many things in working life and significantly increase the efficiency of knowledge work. The main assumption is that it does not in itself immediately replace humans. Instead, a human who skillfully utilizes artificial intelligence will replace a human who does not use artificial intelligence.This article introduces a study of combining Human Intelligence (HI) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) into successful outcomes. The main goal of this article is to discover a balance between AI and human intelligence interaction in novel solution generation. The article is constructed in a way to defines human intelligence-related definitions (human intelligence, cognition, and cognitive skills). On the other hand, data is becoming an essential asset for AI, algorithms, and Machine Learning (ML). We consider the pitfalls, limitations, beliefs, and risks of AI. We try to solve an optimal and simultaneous use of working utilizing both AI and human intelligence into solutions for the future. Meaningful individual- and team-level psychological processes are in the focus in creative problem-solving solving, understanding complexity, ambiguity, and uncertainty. Social skills play an important role in synergistic communication in finding creative third alternatives which is new for everyone. Finally, we present a formula to organizational performance including IQ (individual intelligence) + CQ (collaborative and cultural) + EQ (emotional) + SQ (social intelligence) and generative AI combined with ML to be able to create an effective Human-Machine (HM) interaction.

Keywords: Human Intelligence (HI), AI, Machine Learning (ML), Creativity, Human-Artificial Intelligences Co-Evolution, Social and Cognitive Skills, Collaboration

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004947

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