Virtual technologies and digital twins for logistics hub development
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Heikki Ruohomaa, Vesa Salminen, Juha-matti Torkkel
Abstract: With the development of global trade and the lengthening of supply chains, logistics has new challenges in addition to delivery reliability, cost efficiency, and speed. The importance of sustainable development and the emphasis on environmental values in terms of function and image has increased in the logistics chain. The need for adaptivity to quickly create new, more efficient routes and services has also become a cornerstone of effective management of global supply chains.Central to the efficiency of logistics chains are logistics hubs (nodal points) and their operation and ability to renew themselves in rapidly changing situations. In logistics and supply chain management, data plays the most central role, which is a prerequisite for competitiveness, and which is generally recognized. Similarly, at logistics hubs, the importance of data and new technology is central to controlling material flows.However, the utilization of new technology (AR; VR XR) at logistics nodes has received less attention. and building nodes into digital twins. Modeling logistics hubs with virtual technologies and the digital twin of hubs would enable new effective ways of training personnel, planning logistics centers, and visualizing entities in an easily understandable form and for guidance.The article examines the logistics hub, where virtual technologies and digital twins are used to enhance operations in training and the physical development of the hub and new service development. The article examines issues related to the cooperation of different actors in the collection, ownership, sharing, and utilization of data
Keywords: Logistic hub, Virtual reality, Digital Twin, Data Economy, Service
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004953
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