Studying spatial visualization ability under micro-gravity conditions simulated in Virtual Reality

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Faezeh SalehiManish DixitVahideh Karimimansoob

Abstract: Spatial cognitive processing is a fundamental aspect of human cognition, influencing our comprehension of spatial environments. Researchers have defined spatial ability in various ways, encompassing skills such as generating, visualizing, memorizing, and transforming visual information. Despite the diversity in definitions, there is a shared understanding that spatial ability is an inherent skill aiding individuals in tasks requiring visual and spatial acumen. One of the dimensions of spatial ability is spatial visualization that governs our day-to-day activities of staying and working in and navigating through space. One of the factors that could impact our spatial visualization ability is the alignment of visual and body axis that is maintained on earth due to gravitational cues. However, such cues are not available in micro-gravity environments that exist aboard the International Space Station (ISS). It is imperative to understand if human spatial visualization is impacted by such conditions to determine safety and productivity risks. In this paper, we present results of our research examining if the non-alignment of body and visual frame of reference (FOR) affects spatial visualization ability. We administered the Purdue Spatial Visualization Test: Visualization of Rotation (PSVT:R) to measure the spatial visualization ability of 230 participants. The PSVT:R assesses an individual's capacity to mentally rotate 3D objects. Participants matched the rotated view of a test object to a provided example, evaluating spatial visualization skills and cognitive abilities. The study included three test conditions, one control and two experimental conditions simulated in Virtual Reality (VR) using Unity 3D game engine. The control condition (C1) had the body axis and the visual FOR aligned just like a space on earth. The experiment conditions E1 and E2 depicted a micro-gravity environment to simulate statically and dynamically non-aligned visual and body axes, respectively. Participants sat in a swivel chair and wore HTC Vive Pro Eye headsets to experience the three conditions. Results consistently indicated a significant difference between response time (RT) and accuracy of participants’ responses under the three study conditions. Moreover, a negative correlation was found between the response time and accuracy, which implied a trade-off between response time and accuracy—a common phenomenon where individuals may prioritize speed over precision or vice versa. Our findings support the existence of a relationship between response time and accuracy, characterized by a significant difference and a weak correlation. The Bland-Altman analysis offered additional insights, emphasizing the variability in this relationship. In the C1 condition, the correlation coefficient was -0.1902, suggesting a weak tendency for accuracy to slightly decrease as reaction time increases. Similarly, the E1 condition exhibited a negative correlation of -0.2333, indicating a weak but negative trend of decreased accuracy with longer reaction times. In the E2 condition, the correlation coefficient was -0.1049, suggesting a mild decrease in accuracy as reaction time increased. Overall, the consistent negative correlations across all conditions imply a general pattern: participants with longer reaction times may exhibit slightly lower accuracy, and vice versa. Results also showed that the non-alignment of visual and body axes impact spatial visualization ability.

Keywords: Spatial ability, spatial cognition, Virtual Reality, Spatial visualization, microgravity

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1004987

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