Re-expression of manual expertise through semi-automatic control of a teleoperated system

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Erwann LandaisNasser RezzougVincent Padois

Abstract: While the search for new solvents in the chemical industry is of uttermost importance with respect to environmental considerations, this domain remains strongly tied to highly manual and visual inspection tasks by human experts. As the manipulated chemicals may imply a critical danger (CMR substances), mechanical protection barrier are used (fume hoods, gloveboxes). This, in turn, can induce postural discomfort in the long term. Carrying out this task using a remotely controlled robot to reproduce the desired vial motions would alleviate these postural constraints. Nevertheless, the adoption of such a system will depend on its ability to transcribe the users’ expertise. Particular attention must be paid to the intuitiveness of the system : transparency of the actions performed, relevance of the perceptual feedback, etc. and, in particular, the fidelity of the movements performed in relation to the user's commands. However, the extent of the rotational movements to be generated and the task interactivity complicates the problem both from the point of view of the motor capacities of industrial robots and for the transparency/responsiveness of the control.To tackle the problen of guaranteeing a secure and reactive expression of the manual characteristics of this task, we propose to separate the control of movement into two parts: control of the path (set of spatial poses) and of the trajectories associated with this path (speed, direction of travel along the path). The user can then partially control the robot's movements, by choosing the type of generic, secure path and modulating the trajectory performed on this path in real time. Although this drastically limits the possibilities for interaction, we assume that this teleoperated system can enable this type of observation task to be carried out as effectively as for direct manipulation. This hypothesis was tested through an experiment in which a reading task, less dangerous but with similar characteristics to the application task, had to be performed using different variants of trajectory modulation. This experiment consisted in reading words printed on four white capsules (dimensions 6 x 12 mm) placed into cylindrical vials ( dimensions 16 mm x 70 mm). Four randomly selected vials were tested by each variant. Firstly, users had to perform the task via direct handling, then under conditions secured by a protection barrier. Users were then invited to perform the task using different trajectory modulation variants (modulation and passive viewing of a pre-recorded video, modulation of the trajectory of a Franka-Emika Panda robot performing the task in real time in front of a monocular Logitech Brio 4K camera). After each trial of a variant, users evaluate different aspects of this variant (manual and visual performance, ease of use, acceptability of the interface) through a questionnaire. During the trials, various objective criteria are also measured (number and nature of interaction with the interface, time and degree of success in the task). This experiment was carried out with 37 subjects (age : 27±5, 20 females). The data recorded showed that the proportion of successes, as well as the subjects' perceptions of visual performance, comfort of use and acceptability of the interface, were similar and high for all the variants. This suggests that this task is indeed achievable via the proposed interface. However, data also showed that average task completion times when using the trajectory modulation variants were significantly higher than handling by hand variants, which implies that the proposed remote semi-automatic control procedure fails to achieve satisfactory performance regarding execution time. An interface allowing more reactive manipulation of the vial's movements seems necessary, and will be tested in a future experiment.

Keywords: Human expertise, teleoperation, experimental evaluation

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005012

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