Design Recommendations for Integrating AR in VR Environments within Defence Research
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Craig Williams, Hannah Blackford
Abstract: This paper utilises the methodology and discoveries of a recent Defence project as a case study to contemplate the potential implementation of augmented reality (AR) within a virtual reality (VR) environment in a Defence context. Doing so sheds light on the possible applications, advantages, obstacles, and prospects of such an integrated system. Additionally, it evaluates specific methodological and design recommendations to extend the effectiveness and inclusivity of the military training experience. These recommendations consider various factors, including interoperability, authenticity, environment fidelity, human-centred interface design, and user experience. This contribution is significant in the broader discourse surrounding utilising immersive technologies in the Defence industry, as it provides valuable guidance for researchers, developers, and military professionals.
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality, Defence
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005024
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