Approach to Member Checking Support for Characterizing Team Processes with Discrepant Information about Team Roles

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ellen BassYa Xuan WuNathaniel Barnett

Abstract: In order to determine whether a process should be improved, it is important to first be able to characterize it. The characterization process is more difficult with team processes involving multiple roles, especially when every role does not participate in and does not have complete knowledge about each task. Ideally analysts should be able to elicit process knowledge from all participating roles synchronously and with sufficient time to cover all related topics. However practical constraints limit such process knowledge elicitation sessions and therefore lead to discrepant information across data collection instances. We present an approach for automating the identification of discrepant data related to role information for the associated team process. The approach includes highlighting the strength of the evidence derived from the interviewees and thereby identifying opportunities for member checking based on conflicts between those who are classified as providing strong evidence for a particular task and based on the need for confirming information when all of the interviewees are classified as providing weak evidence for a particular task.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) funded this study through an investigator-initiated research grant (1R01HL153735; PI: Lane-Fall).

Keywords: Teamwork, Cognitive task analysis, Member checking

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005036

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