Feasibility evaluation method for scheduling schemes based on auxiliary elapsed time
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Licai Qin, Xiaojun Liu
Abstract: In flexible manufacturing workshops, workshop production scheduling belongs to a typical NP-complete problem, and its optimal solution is difficult to find, in order to simplify the construction of the model, nowadays, most of the related studies on scheduling problems usually simplify the logistic time in order to ignore the influence of logistics on workshop scheduling, in this paper, in order to verify the feasibility of this kind of scheduling plan which does not separate the logistics as a separate process in the case of joining infinite transport resources, the original scheduling plan using the created TLPU model for process splitting. A Gantt chart information storage structure is designed to facilitate the constraints of the split processes in the final generated scheduling plan with traffic resources. Then a method for differentially calculating the running time of each equipment is proposed based on the different characteristics and parameters of different equipment to complete the splitting process of a processing process with traffic resources in the original scheduling plan. After traversing all the original processing processes and performing the splitting process for them considering infinite traffic resources, the creation of the transport equipment time window is completed. Finally, a validation of the feasibility of the shop floor scheduling scheme based on the calculation of the derived transport equipment running time and transport equipment time window is proposed.
Keywords: Production Scheduling, Process Aid Time, Gantt Chart, Transport Resources, Evaluation Methods
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005160
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