Globalization, cultural pluralism and the formation of vocational identity in the world of “boundaryless” careers

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Agnieszka Cybal-Michalska

Abstract: The global transformations of the contemporary world, to which all aspects of social and individual existence are subjected, seem inevitable and their complexity difficult to grasp. New opportunities and new possibilities, but also fears and anxieties, are emerging on a micro and macro scale. The specific nature of qualitatively new transformations is not irrelevant to the multicontextual changes in the world of work, which place new demands on workers. This vision implies fundamentally new ways of interpreting the world and making judgements about the condition of the contemporary human being – including the human being as a “manager” of his or her own career. In the knowledge-based economy, it becomes crucial to develop the careers of its members and to invest in a career “portfolio”. Changes in the world of “boundaryless” careers bring the issue of proactive career behaviour of the subject up to date. A distinctive feature of proactive career planning, leadership and management is the awareness of being a subject who takes action in the direction desired for him/herself and influences the reality around him/her by initiating change. Identity is formed in the context of social and cultural influences of the reality undergoing permanent change. Identity styles determined by socio-cognitive processes refer to the individual’s preferences in processing information about the subjective “I”, in making decisions, in choosing strategies to construct or avoid shaping one’s identity and the quality of career decision-making in the world of “boundaryless careers”. In a situation where no a priori career scenario brings a guarantee of success, the investment in a career identified as the “property” of an individual becomes a necessity and demands proactive planning, direction and management. Commitment to an internally defined career can be an important source of crystallisation of the (vocational) identity, which seems to be essential for the development of an individual’s career in the universe of “boundaryless” careers in the reality of the globalising world.

Keywords: Globalisation, cultural pluralism, career, boundaryless careers, proactivity

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005324

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