Human Factors in Technology and Knowledge Transfer: A Qualification Concept of the WIN:A Project for Effective Personal and Medial Transfer Structures
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Anja Koonen, Nina Collienne, Theresa Joerißen, Esther Borowski, Ingrid Isenhardt
Abstract: Labour research continuously develops new findings on the design of work. It also aims at translat-ing research results into practical products such as guidelines, checklists or implementation tools. These products can support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in overcoming current challenges such as the skills shortage, digital transformation or the energy and climate crisis while ensuring good working conditions. But recent scientific contributions show that there is still an ex-isting transfer gap (for an overview, see Borowski et. al. 2023). Research findings and products from the field of ergonomics are often unknown in business practices. Links to „everyday business“ in SMEs and intermediary organisations (e.g. consultants or associations) are not evident or are hindered by difficulties in translating these findings and products into the respective application context.Due to limited time and personnel resources, SMEs often do not have the necessary means to thoroughly search for labour science and ergonomics insights or products and to check their rele-vance and practical suitability. At the same time, intermediaries also have major gaps in their knowledge, even though considering labour research topics to be highly relevant for their work and aspiring to have more customised tools (Cernavin, Joerißen 2022). Thus, how can research findings be processed more effectively and disseminated more successful-ly? What could be suitable concepts for relevant stakeholders (scientists, works councils, SMEs and intermediaries) to enable them to use the (technical resp. medial) products and results from labour research effectively? In order to answer these research questions, there is ongoing investigation in the project WIN:A (Knowledge and Innovation Network for Labour Research). This investigation aims at deducing and suggesting different instruments for effective knowledge transfer, including a qualification concept differentiated by target groups and a software platform – the “Transfer-Plattform – „’Management – Arbeit – Forschung’“ – with a network and topic graph as well as a mixed methods toolbox. In order to manifest the importance of labour science results and findings to SMEs and intermediar-ies, the stakeholders need to be qualified to use the products prepared by WIN:A in their daily work. For this purpose, a training module will be designed that will be integrated into the existing qualification structures of intermediary organisations. Due to specific needs according to the re-spective group of stakeholders, it is necessary to understand their requirements towards those training module as a qualification measure. In order for it to be easily accessible and comprehensi-ble for the target group, their semantics have to be met on the one hand. On the other hand, it is considered useful to provide the possibility for interaction and participation as it is assumed foster learning and knowledge transfer. As a basis for this qualification, a training guide („Qualifizierung Arbeitsforschung“) is being developed together with intermediary organisations that will also be accessible to further stakeholders. Initial insights into the training module will be presented in the paper available. Sources:Borowski, E.; Cernavin, O.; Hees, F.; Joerißen, T. (Hrsg) (2023): Erfolgreicher Transfer in der Arbeits-gestaltung - Wie Dienstleistungen zur präventiven Arbeitsgestaltung und Ergebnisse der Arbeitsfor-schung die Akteure in den Unternehmen wirkungsvoll erreichen. Münster, New York: Waxmann Verlag (erscheint Ende 2023)Cernavin, Joerißen (2022): Arbeitsforschung in der KMU-Praxis - Untersuchungsergebnisse zum Transfer von Kompetenzzentren Arbeitsforschung in der Region, Stiftung Mittelstand Gesellschaft Verantwortung, Schriftenreihe 1 8/2022.
Keywords: Qualification Concept, Human Platform Interaction, Personal And Medial Transfer Structures
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005366
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