Formation of the necessary conditions to ensure the quality of training specialists in the field of humanitarian science

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Conference Proceedings
Authors: Aleksandra MinchenkovaVera VodyanovaNikolay ZaichkinLidia MinchenkovaOlga Minchenkova

Abstract: Purpose – The article is devoted to the problem of training specialists in the field of humanitarian science, especially aggravated in the context of educational reforms and digital transition. The excessive digitalization of social spheres, in particular, education, without a clear understanding of the possible consequences will lead to the fact that the specialists' training quality will be lower than the demands dictated by the economy. Design/methodology – The article has been built a model of the educational process, which includes three stages: school, university, and the stage of professional activity. The model's main assumption is the representation of the educational process as a process with saturation. A function is selected to demonstrate the behavior of the course of the educational process, and the breakpoints that arise at the moments of the student's transition from one stage to another are comprehended. The problem of teaching of mathematical disciplines to students of the humanities is revealed.Findings – The paper provides possible methods for eliminating gaps are presented and the dependence of the state of the economy on the chosen method of smoothing the model curve is shown. To solve this problem have developed a special technology called "Collective Intelligence".Originality – The constructed model of the educational process can be useful in the formation of training courses. The proposed educational technology will allow students to form and consolidate the required minimum of knowledge in the field of application of mathematics.In this context, the intensified introduction of various digital platforms into the educational process only harms the latter. New technologies can complement the traditional educational process but not replace it in any way. Thus, total distance learning is the exclusion of experienced knowledge. Now we have an unsatisfactory state of education in almost all areas, especially in the field of social and behavioral sciences. It is all the more interesting to study the experience of two independent schools with full-time education during the COVID-19 pandemic (Gillespie et al., 2021).According to V. I. Arnold, the outstanding mathematician of our time, “Mathematics is now, like two millennia ago, the first candidate for destruction. The computer revolution makes it possible to replace educated slaves with ignorant ones. The governments of all countries began to exclude mathematics from secondary school programs” (Arnold, 1999).In pursuit of digital fashion in education, a catastrophic imbalance can be obtained; digitally trained people will not be able to effectively participate in the transformed digital economy without social and behavioral skills (communication, interpersonal and intercultural interaction) and cognitive skills (self-development, organization, adaptability) in addition to digital skills when implementing such competencies as communication and cooperation in the digital environment, self-development in conditions of uncertainty, creative thinking, information and data management, critical thinking in a digital environment (Perry and DeDeo, 2021).A research task arises – to identify bottlenecks in the system of formation and training of specialists and determine possible ways of joining. As for the training of specialists in social and behavioral spheres, special attention should be paid to the problem of teaching exact disciplines, particularly mathematics, since its active neglect in training specialists in these areas leads to a loss of systems thinking and a lack of analytical skills, which are so necessary for the development and making management decisions.Due to the recent trends in education, there is a sharp problem with teaching mathematical disciplines in the field of social and behavioral sciences. On the one hand, it is recognized that mathematics is not only counting but changes the way of thinking; on the other hand, one can see an intensification of the tendency that V. I. Arnold identified in his study (Arnold, 1999).In the presented paper, the following questions are answered using the example of teaching mathematical disciplines:•Whether active methods of teaching mathematical disciplines are possible for students in the humanities;•How the teaching of such disciplines should be structured so that students can subsequently demonstrate the presence of residual knowledge.These questions give rise to a wide variety of views and approaches among teachers of mathematical disciplines.The paper presents a model that identifies bottlenecks in the educational process of training specialists and presents recommendations on how to bridge these bottlenecks. In addition, the technology of teaching mathematical disciplines to students in humanitarian training areas is presented.

Keywords: Educational Process, Mathematical Model, Educational Technology, Digital Transition, Collective Intelligence.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005399

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