United Nations Sustainable Development Group (UNSDGs) and Health and Safety

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Alfredo Soeiro

Abstract: A system was developed by ISHCCO (International Safety and Health Construction Coordinators Organization) enabling the benchmarking based on technical standards, on international and national criteria. For these reasons the option made was to deduce the quality criteria from the European legislation and from respective national implementations and support these with already established professional and international standards of the European Qualification Framework (EQF). The qualification framework is divided in three criteria for knowledge, skills and attitudes referring to the individual qualifications. In this detailed proposal the existing and accepted criteria from the area of Safety Health Construction Coordinators professionals were examined and compared with the contents of the European Directive 92/57 by institutions, companies, educational and training organizations in Europe and rest of the world. Considering changes brought by UNSDGs to construction sector, ISHCCO prepared a proposal adapting the current IQF (ISHCCO Qualification Framework) to include sustainability concerns about Ethics, Work and Health. Main topics of the proposal addressed mainly the UNSDGs goals 3: Good Health and Well-being, 4: Quality Education, 8: Decent Work and Economic Growth, 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure, 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities, 12: Responsible Consumption and Production, 16: Peace and Justice Strong Institutions and 17: Partnerships to achieve the Goal. The adaptation of competences reflects the needs of SHCC to acquire knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to have an effective contribution towards the development of the UNSDGs goals. The proposal also includes the recent implications provoked by the publication of the European Union - JRC "Green Comp Sustainability Competence Framework". Proposal includes suggestions on how these adapted competences can be acquired by active SHCC, by other active HS professionals and by future professionals in terms of training and of education.

Keywords: UNSDGs, framework, sustainability, safety, construction

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005386

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