Evaluation of the Usability and Intuitiveness of a Teleoperated Forklift
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Leonhard Feiner, Florian Canzek, Johannes Fottner
Abstract: Forklifts are still one of the most popular transport vehicles in intralogistics. However, the number of inexperienced employees increases. Due to innovations in technologies like steer-by-wire and data transfer via Wi-Fi or 5G, teleoperated machines are constantly evolving. This possibility can solve many challenges in intralogistics. Still, there is also a risk that teleoperation reduces intuitiveness due to the lack of feedback from the machine's status, such as occurring accelerations. The paper presents a study to compare a teleoperation concept with a conventional forklift control concept. In the present study, no difference in perceived usability, stress load and intuitiveness could be determined. Both control concepts were rated with an SUS value of 80 for the conventional control and 74 for the teleoperated control in the range of "good" to "excellent". The raw NASA TLX and QUESI values showed promising results for both concepts.
Keywords: Usability, Forklift Control, Teleoperation, Intuitiveness, Case Study
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005417
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