Reflections and Insights on Haptics’ Influence on Human Factors Within Virtual Environments

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Sara BuonocoreFrancesca MassaLisa GuadagnoGiuseppe Di Gironimo

Abstract: The present work discusses the influence of different haptic feedbacks and devices on two selected Human Factors (Motion Sickness and Technology Acceptance) that are strongly relevant for User Experience analysis in Virtual Environments. With this work, we aim to stimulate: (i) practitioners to consider human factors in the selection of the right type of haptic feedback and device; (ii) researchers for future in-depth studies by highlighting some grey areas of current literature about haptics and their influence on Human Factors.

Keywords: Haptic, Human Factors, Virtual Reality, Sense of Touch.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005680

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