Virtual Experiential Design in the Context of Intangible Cultural Heritage: A Case Study of filigree VR design
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yue Gu, Jintao Liu, Yuxuan Li, Yulu Hu
Abstract: This paper delves into the application of virtual reality (VR) technology as a solution to the challenges encountered in the preservation and advancement of intangible cultural heritage. Taking the Beijing Filigree VR design as a focal point, this study maximizes the immersive, interactive, and multisensory attributes of VR technology to conceptualize and produce virtual experiential products tailored to Filigree. The investigation examines the merits and distinctive features of virtual reality technology in the dissemination of intangible cultural heritage, including its ability to faithfully recreate authentic scenes and cultural significance, broaden the modes of intangible cultural transmission, and augment audience interaction to fortify the overall user experience. Throughout the design research process, the ICE design model (Insight-Create-Experience, Model) is formulated, providing a lucid research framework for VR design. In the creation phase, the interface design is fine-tuned employing a user experience hierarchy model, thereby facilitating virtual teaching and simulation exercises related to Filigree. This study introduces a novel perspective and methodology for the dissemination and conservation of intangible cultural heritage, establishing a theoretical basis in design for the advocacy and perpetuation of such heritage, exemplified by Filigree.
Keywords: Virtual Reality, Filigree VR design, Experience Design, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Experience Design, design research
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005683
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