Improvements in stress-detection technology to improve the quality-of-life of people with challenging behaviour

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Tim HulshofMila ChorbadzhievaReon SmitsErwin Meinders

Abstract: In this paper we present two improvements to the ongoing development of a sock garment with integrated sensors for the monitoring of physiological signals. These signals are used for stress detection in people with intellectual disabilities and dementia in a long-term care (LTC) setting. The improvements discussed in this paper are both aimed at improving the quality of the measurements and improving the quality of care, especially in the context of challenging behaviour. In this paper we briefly present the following two improvements:1.A new electrode configuration that allows for predictive maintenance of the garment-part of the system.2.A new user interface, particularly an online dashboard, providing a tool set aligned with the needs of behavioural scientists.

Keywords: stress, intellectual disability care, dementia care, wearables, artificial intelligence, challenging behaviour, behavioural analysis, quality of life

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005701

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