Preventive Medicine: The most prestigious profession of the near future
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Roman Maciej Kalina
Abstract: The title of this scientific essay implicitly emphasizes the application goal. Hypothesis: the differences in most indicators of somatic, mental and social health are small (or non-existent) between countries with the formally largest number of weekly physical education lessons in primary schools and those with the smallest number (apart from countries where PE is marginalized). The empirical argumentation of the authors of the 'physiotherapist in every school' project, although sufficient at this stage, is merely a kind of encouragement for researchers and teams from around the world. The implications concern at least two elementary methodological issues. First, the most valuable knowledge about phenomena indicating the counter-effective PE paradigm in many respects can already be published in many natural languages, unavailable in the global scientific space. Second, the idea of replacing PE teachers in schools with preventive medicine experts requires systemic implementations that will most likely cause resistance from many interest groups. As humanity, we are probably at the peak of ‘the turning point’, not only in the sense described by Fritjof Capra (1982). Since the dynamics of depletion of natural resources is still one of the key indicators of identifying this peak, there is no visible turn in the direction that Capra so simply and accurately appealed for: ‘we should invest more in people, our only wealth, which we have in abundance’. Anyone who identifies with the hypothesis on the supreme value criteria of the global civilization should rather not question the validity of preventive medicine as a subject of school education and INNOAGON as science and its mission. However, one may ask a basic question about the way or ways of investing these innovations in people. The answer is only seemingly trivial: effectively, healthily (this term includes ‘safely’), in deeply humanized and attractive forms.
Keywords: dispositional feasibility, INNOAGON, possibility of action, praxeology, situational actionability
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005713
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