Artificial intelligence in the function of improving port systems

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Alen JugovićTanja Poletan JugovićRenato OblakDražen Žgaljić

Abstract: Decision-making in port activities is characterized by speed, flexibility, rationality, efficiency and economy. However, the main role in their implementation is played by port employees who are not always able to be reliable, timely and objective. Likewise, their insufficient education, lack of professional knowledge and experience, and insufficient number of adequate port workforce can negatively affect the sustainable functioning of port systems. The introduction of new technologies and systems that can process a large amount of data and imitate human activities such as reasoning, learning, planning and creativity represents a fundamental challenge in achieving goals aimed at improving port operations. Therefore, the application of artificial intelligence seems inevitable because only it can provide a higher level of possibilities in the future development of the port. In this paper, a basic matrix of all the constituent elements that make up a complete port system with an applicable model of their computerization, digitization and automation is laid out. With such an approach, all port activities will be able to take place without direct human activity, and supervision over their implementation will be completely autonomous. In this way, the operations of the ports themselves will be more productive, more competitive, safer and more economical, and port users will get one open, simple and reviewed tool that will be able to meet all their needs for port services in one place in real time.

Keywords: ports system, artificial intelligence, decision making

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005564

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