Recommendations and Discussions on the Use of Role Play in Online Social Studies Teaching for Elementary School Students

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yifeng ZhongJohan Chang

Abstract: Online teaching is increasingly being utilized in elementary education. However, elementary school students' learning performance in digital environments can be affected by online distractions and a lack of interactivity. Role play offers a highly interactive and immersive learning experience that can help students adapt to the online environment. To better achieve the teaching goals of the core competencies -- “thinking” and “teamwork” -- outlined in Taiwan's Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education for Social Studies, this study explores the integration of role play into Social Studies teaching. To understand the learning challenges students face in Social Studies and provide recommendations for designing role play courses, this study interviewed three Social Studies education experts. The findings reveal that the extensive and complex historical knowledge in Social Studies can make learning difficult for students. The study suggests incorporating “pre-class preparation,” “thought-tracking,” “peer assessment,” and “reflection and discussion” into role play activities. These results offer valuable materials and suggestions for designing online role play courses in Social Studies, aiming to enhance students' learning performance in online classes.

Keywords: online learning, role play, school children, expert interview

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005766

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