Advanced Numerical Simulations For Seakeeping Performance Analysis Of A Floating Architecture Based On Textile Structure
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Alexandra Gabriela Ene, Carmen Mihai
Abstract: The paper presents the results of the seakeeping performances on the regular wave through advanced numerical simulations of a floating unit intended for the capture, storage and transport of hydrocarbons. The behavior of the floating unit in a frontal regular wave with a height of 0.6 m and a length of 5.3 m was investigated, at speeds of 0 and 2 knots, considering the 3 drafts corresponding to the cases of loading with 75%. The numerical tests were based on solving the RANS equations. For the qualitative investigation of the hydrodynamic characteristics of the flow in a regular wave, the free surface and the analyzed architecture were represented at different time steps for the stationary ship and at the speed of 2 knots. Based on the results of the short-term seakeeping analysis, to avoid complete immersion of the floating unit, the most significant restrictions on navigation with 75% hydrocarbon loading were determined.
Keywords: seakeeping, textiles, floatability, hydrodynamic
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005588
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