CatMapper: user interface support for large complex categories and semantic data exploration
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Sharon Hsiao, Harsha Kasi, Daniel Hruschka, Robert Bischoff, Matthew Peeples
Abstract: Scientists and policymakers are increasingly leveraging complex, multi-scale data from diverse, worldwide sources to understand the causes and consequences of economic development, social stratification, climate change, cultural diversity, and violent conflict. This work frequently requires integrating data across diverse datasets by complex, dynamic categories (e.g., ethnicities, languages, religions, subdistricts). However, different datasets encode corresponding categories in disparate formats and at different resolutions (e.g., Guatemala Indigenous vs. Maya vs. K’iche’). These diverse encodings must be translated across datasets before bringing them together for analysis. At global scales across thousands of categories, the combinatorial complexity creates thorny challenges for manual reconciliation and for transparent documentation and sharing of researcher decisions. There is a need to investigate direct and uncomplicated ways to support search and explore the semantics for complex and diverse datasets.We design and deploy such a tool, CatMapper, to support semantic discovery through exploration and manipulation for large, complex and diverse datasets. CatMapper enables exploring contextual information about specific categories, translating new sets of categories from existing datasets and published studies, identify and integrating novel combinations of datasets for researchers’ custom needs, including automatically generated syntax to merge datasets of interest, and publishing and sharing merging templates for public re-use and open science. CatMapper does not store observational data. Rather, it is a dynamic, interactive dictionary of keys to help users integrate observational data from diverse external datasets in disparate formats, thereby complementing and leveraging a fast-growing ecology of datasets storing observational data. We have conducted heuristic evaluation on CatMapper usability. Results shed lights on enriching semantic data discovery.
Keywords: cultural big data, semantic data exploration, UI, social sciences
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005589
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