Evaluation of the Learning Effectiveness of a Smart TRX and Functional Fashion Workshop
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Hsin-rong Hsieh, Ying-Chia Huang, Yu-jen Chen, Peng-cheng Hsu, Ya-chun Chang, Jui-yun Hung
Abstract: This study evaluates the learning effectiveness of a TRX and smart clothing-based workshop delivered to 25 student participants. It assesses various dimensions of learning effectiveness, including TRX experience, design thinking, functionality, product evaluation, and market analysis. To achieve this, a combination of quantitative research methods were employed; i.e., questionnaires, in-class tests, and teaching evaluations. The results revealed the TRX experience significantly enhanced students' design capabilities with regard to the development of functional clothing. However, for students from non-textile related disciplines, explanations of clothing-related terms were necessary, suggesting future workshops should incorporate relevant explanations to facilitate learning. According to student feedback, affective (about 50%) and cognitive (about 49%) aspects were developed, while skills development was minimal (about 1%). Replacing traditional textbook theory with hands-on TRX exercises was a crucial benefit of the workshop, leading to high levels of student engagement and positive experiences, as was generating a deeper understanding of core muscle group training methods. This had a positive impact and inspired the product design process.
Keywords: TRX suspension training, Double Diamond Model, Design thinking
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005634
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