How Multi-sensory Can Help the Visually Impaired Better Play the Instruments: An Inclusive Design Practice
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Qian Jiang, Kin Wai Michael Siu, Jiannong Cao
Abstract: For the visually impaired, it is harder to learn how to play an instrument. Taking playing the piano as the case, we conducted the research to explore how other senses work better to support this special group to learn how to play the piano. Using the methods of literature analysis and data collection by designed questionnaire, we tried to design a smart keyboard to solve the problems people with impaired sight may meet in three perspectives: 1) Finding the corresponding keys for notes. 2) Communication with instructors. 3) Variable changes in rhythm. We provide a new learning possibility for the visually impaired to play the piano. Based on the concept of inclusive design, we also considered the needs of the normal people with the expectation to achieve the inclusive goal of music communication between the abled and the disabled.
Keywords: Inclusive Design, Instrument Learning, Multi-sensory, Visually Impaired
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005642
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