Interface Design of Vehicle AR-HUD Based on User Needs

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Yi Fan ChenJiejun Dai

Abstract: Focused on user needs, it aims to explore the design strategies for in-vehicle AR-HUD interfaces that effectively reduce cognitive load, improve driving safety, and elevate user experience and satisfaction across safety, experiential, and visual dimensions. Firstly, user needs were obtained through semi structured interviews, in-depth observations, etc., and classified using the KANO model. Secondly, the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is employed to calculate and prioritize the weights of user demands, thereby identifying core requirements. Lastly, the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) was employed to map ambiguous user needs into specific design elements, with weights calculated and ranked to provide execution strategies and practical guidance for implementing in-vehicle AR-HUD interfaces. Following the KANO-AHP-QFD research process, 11 user needs were objectively identified and extracted, leading to the identification of 15 design elements across safety, experience, and visual dimensions, culminating in innovative design proposals for the in-vehicle AR-HUD interface. Through the comprehensive application of the KANO-AHP-QFD model, both surface-level and latent user needs can be met, effectively guiding interface design, enhancing user satisfaction, and providing reference and insights for similar designs.

Keywords: User Needs, KANO, Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), Quality Function Deployment (QFD), AR-HUD, Interface DesignI

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1005657

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