Chemical Hazard in FRP Pleasure boats’ Manufacturing

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Roberto Frassine()Claudio Fusaro()Andrea Ratti()

Abstract: The work aims to discuss measures to reduce risks associated with the workers’ exposure to harmful chemical agents in FRP manufacturing processes. Data on workers’ exposure were collected directly on the site plant of a few manufacturers of fiberglass pleasure boats and other FRP components. Work focuses on various stages of progressive study: I) study of the molding manufacturing process, workplace, structures, tools, materials and plants in the different companies; II) statistical study of the use of Personal Protective Equipment; III) environmental and personal sampling campaign. The study phase I is preliminary to the following. It allowed to identify, for each operators category, the risk factors to which each category is most exposed. Styrene and other VOCs are the main chemical risk factor on which attention has been paid for resins and gelcoat workers. The phase study II about the use of PPE leads to define evolution models in the use of PPE in relationship with room temperature and referring to Behaviour-Based Safety techniques to increase the percentage of use of PPE. The phase study III leads to define what the critical exposure moments are for workers, specially the processes when resin or gelcoat are sprayed. From this stage, intervention proposals arise measured to reduce risks.

Keywords: Chemical hazard, FRP manufacturing, Personal Protective Equipement, Behaviour-Based Safety, Styrene and VOCs exposure.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100619

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