Seat Design Parameters for an Elevated Driving Posture
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jordan Smith, Neil Mansfield, Diane Gyi
Abstract: Studies have shown that whilst emissions from passenger vehicles have fallen in the last 20-years, emissions from light commercial vehicles (LCVs) have risen. An elevated driving seat will result in a driving posture higher than in conventional vehicles and will benefit vehicle deign in terms of a reduction in vehicles’ mass potentially resulting in reduced emissions. This paper reports on a study with the objective of identifying the static seat design parameters for such an elevated seat. A sample of 20 commercial drivers (10 males, 10 females) aged 19-65, were recruited for the study. A driving rig was designed and built to offer nine key seat sub-component adjustments, deemed highly important to selecting a comfortable driving set up. Each sub-component was adjusted in an iterative process to define an optimum position for each driver and was then recorded along with participant verbatim. Results indicated that leg length is a good predictor of the seat height and the distance from the pedals (PH Gap) and that sitting height is a good predictor for the positioning of the backrest. The preferred length of the seat base was much shorter and the width much wider, respectively, than that observed in current LCVs.
Keywords: Automotive Ergonomics, Driving Posture, Anthropometric Data, Seat Design, Seat Parameters
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100637
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