Influence of work incentives on the normative commitment of financial personnel of municipal savings banks
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Elva Castaneda, Jeferson Ccorisapra, Joaquin Machaca, Grimaldo Quispe, Heyul Chavez
Abstract: The main objective of this research is to determine the Influence of work incentives on the regulatory commitment of financial personnel of rural municipal banks. The study contemplates a quantitative approach, ex post facto design, cross-sectional and explanatory level, with a convenience sample of 94 employees. The variable "work incentives" is made up of 7 items and the normative commitment with 6 items; making a total of 13 items and analyzed in the SmartPLS (v.3.3.2). Regarding the determination of the influence of incentives on normative commitment, an effect of 0.556 ** was identified, with a level of significance (p ≤ 0.05). Finally, it is stated that work incentives positively influence the regulatory committee of finance personnel.
Keywords: Work Incentives, Financial Personnel, Municipal, Bank
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001199
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