Human Systems Engineering and Design (IHSED2021): Future Trends and Applications

Editors: Waldemar Karwowski, Tareq Ahram, Mario Milicevic, Darko Etinger, Krunoslav Zubrinic
Topics: Systems Engineering
Publication Date: 2021
ISBN: 978-1-7923-8987-0
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001094
The Role of Digital Interactive Whiteboards in Students´ Learning and Participation
Nowadays, the teaching – learning process is characterized by the application and implementation of technological resources that look for the improvement of students´ attention and motivation within the educative process. In this context, one of those resources looking to accomplish this objective are digital whiteboards, that allow to make cooperative work, interact in audio and video in real time, closing the gap with the real world. The objective of this paper is to analyze the benefits that interactive whiteboards offer to the learning process, as well as to review previous studies that validate their application and the positive effects given to the educational process.
Omar Cóndor-Herrera, Mónica Bolaños-Pasquel, Pamela Acosta-Rodas, Jorge Cruz-Cardenas, Carlos Ramos-Galarza
Open Access
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Design Strategy for Data News Visualization Structure Sequence based on User Cognition
In interactive visual data news, to help users better understand the page and information, designers need to organize the information level of the visual page more reasonably. This study compares the two representative data attributes of time data and spatial data in data news. We compared two visualization sequences representing different structures: "temporal data" and "spatial data" were used as a combination of "global" and "local" visualization designs as exploration clues. The experimental task is to score the dual-task recognition performance and subjective evaluation of correlation and data trend judgment. This intended to explore the different effects of two visualization structures on user information recognition and understanding. The results show that the exploration structure of "spatial" data as global exploration cues and "time" data as local exploration cues performs better in terms of user preferences and understanding performance. This study provides a reference for the design of interactive data news.
Jie Gu, Yanfei Zhu, Chengqi Xue
Open Access
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Conceptual Proposal of a Technological Application to Improve the Decision Making Process
Brain’s functions imply the necessary cognitive processing to solve daily life problems. In this context, the frontal lobe has a predominant role in the decision-making process, and, when its functioning is not accurate, it generates severe problems in the person suffering of it. As a technological solution to help adolescents to take the best decisions, the aim of this article is to propose the conceptual development of a mobile application to compensate frontal lobe role and allow a person to improve the decision-making process, considering the diversity of implications and consequences that this action encompasses.
Micaela Silva-Barragán, Pamela Acosta Rodas, Mónica Bolaños-Pasquel, Carlos Ramos-Galarza
Open Access
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Technological Proposal to Stimulate Memory and Attention: DR. LOBUS
The executive functions that are at the core of human neuropsychological functioning are attention and memory. Attention encompasses a series of brain subprocesses that allow an individual to focus his/her state of consciousness on a determined stimulus of internal and external reality. On the ohter hand, memory refers to the capacity to store and recall information. The aim of the research was to develop a smartphone application that allows stimulate memory and older adults. This artiche describes the conceptual proposal that was followed to develop a smartphone application that seeks to improve the functioning of these two brain abilities named DR. LOBUS. This application includes a series of exercises that stimulate various sub-levels of attention and memory, such as selective and sustained attention, as well as immediate memory capacity.
Carlos Ramos-Galarza, Janio Jadán-Guerrero, Hugo Arias-Flores, Pamela Acosta Rodas, Mónica Bolaños-Pasquel
Open Access
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Technological Innovations for the Treatment of Addictions
Addictions are part of psychopathological disorders. They encompass an obsessive behavior towards the consumption of psychotropic substances, activities, or relations. In the psychological treatment of these issues, procedures based on behavioral and cognitive behavioral techniques are applied through the traditional approach during sessions. The development of mobile apps for smartphones has resulted in a relevant contribution to the treatment of addictions and therefore a series of technological innovations are currently available to aid the clinical work within this context. This article reviews the main apps developed for this purpose.
María Judith López, Jaime Moscoso-Salazar, Valentina Ramos, Carlos Ramos-Galarza
Open Access
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Applying Minecraft Education to Pedagogical Teaching
Emerging teaching methodologies have reached restructuring educative scenario, leading to the implementation of novel teaching ways, using not conventional elements, such as videogames in the teaching process, it is the case of Minecraft education. This is a learning platform based in games, promoting creativity, collaboration and problem-solving in a digital immersive environment, that allow teachers to work with their students on lessons or projects of different subjects. Applying as basis, gamification and transforming educative scenarios into ludic environments, complementing them with STEM learning, which improves and increases students’ motivation.
Omar Cóndor-Herrera, Pamela Acosta-Rodas, Carlos Ramos-Galarza
Open Access
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An AI-based Assistance System for Determining the Risk of Disease and for Preventive Measures
Prevention of widespread diseases can make an important contribution to improving the quality of human life. Furthermore, disease prevention can serve to avoid future demands for medical rehabilitation due to demographic change. In this paper, a literature review on the state of the art in disease prevention through machine learning will be presented first. Subsequently, it was concluded that no previous applications have focused on determining the extent of the influencing factors on the risk of disease and thus identifying preventive measures to reduce the risk of disease. To address this research gap, this paper presents a concept for generating a personalized prediction model for a given disease, using machine learning algorithms for the automated analysis of a wide range of input data. To realize this concept, an assistance system is implemented be presented, which includes prediction models for the three diseases cold, hypertension and hypercholesterolemia to determine disease risks and preventive measures. After entering the user's health data, the assistance system determines the risk for each disease and the preventive measures to reduce the disease risks. Thereafter, the evaluation of the assistance system is presented by testing it on 5 people who used it daily for 4 months.
Samira Maleki, Nasser Jazdi-Motlagh
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Graduate Student Safety Culture
A culture is a collective of social norms, mannerisms, religion, language, activities, environment, and other factors that help to make us who we are. Within any culture lies its safety culture. How does an organization assess its safety culture? One method is to interview every person in an organization. However, this is impractical. Properly constructed safety surveys provide information that can be used to assess and to help improve an organization’s safety culture. Laboratory experiments of varying levels of hazards are conducted every day around the world in colleges and universities. These experiments are for basic and applied research and for teaching undergraduate and graduate students how to conduct research. Generally, these experiments are conducted safely. Many accidents have occurred in University Laboratories. Some are very horrific. This paper discusses one such accident and discusses two universities’ safety culture surveys and presents some results from the surveys.
Lee Ostrom
Open Access
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Conceptual Proposal of a Technological Application for the Treatment of Addictions to Psychoactive Substances
Psychoactive substances are natural or synthetic compounds that affect the central nervous system by depressing, stimulating or producing hallucinations, generating brain´s impairments, specifically in those mechanisms that regulate mood, thoughts, and motivations. These substances usage and dependency represent a significant fact upon mortality rates worldwide, making necessary the creation of a conceptual proposal about a mobile application for the treatment of addictions to psychoactive substances, which, at the same time, is concordant with the addiction centered therapeutical methodology, conducted by mental health professionals, highlighting the necessity of psychiatric and psychological support, plus a technological advance. It should be noted that this is a fictitious exploratory study that provides guidelines for future development.
María Judith López, Pamela Acosta, Carlos Ramos-Galarza-
Open Access
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Multi-camera Face Tracking for Estimating User’s Discomfort with Automated Vehicle Operations
Face tracking as innovative and unobtrusive sensor technology offers new possibilities for driver state monitoring regarding discomfort in automated driving. To explore the potential of automated facial expression analysis, video data of two driving simulator studies were analyzed using the Visage facial features and analysis software. A gender-balanced sample of 81 participants between 24 and 84 years took part in the studies. All participants were driven in highly automated mode on the same standardized track, consisting of three close approach situations to a truck driving ahead. By pressing the lever of a handset control, all participants could report perceived discomfort continuously. Tracking values for 23 facial action units were extracted from multiple video camera streams, z-transformed and averaged from 10 s before pressing the handset control until 10 s after to show changes over time. Results showed situation-related pressing and stretching of the lips, a push-back movement of the head, raising of inner brows and upper lids as well as reduced eye closure. These patterns could be interpreted as visual attention, tension and surprise. Overall, there is potential of facial expression analysis for contributing information about users’ comfort with automated vehicle operations. However, effects became manifest on aggregated data level; obtaining stable and reliable results on individual level remains a challenging task.
Matthias Beggiato, Nadine Rauh, Josef Krems
Open Access
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A prospective view of Virtual Education in Autonomous Decentralized Governments: a case study of Honorable Provincial Government of Tungurahua
Governments distribute resources according to their strategic planning to develop studies in a variety of competence areas. Therefore, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the need to establish citizen participation processes through training has increased, however it cannot be carried out in a complete face-to-face way due to the pandemic. In this context, the use of innovative technological tools is necessary to establish teaching-learning processes. The Honorable Provincial Government of Tungurahua through its Citizen Training Center has implemented an educational platform to provide training services in order to encourage Tungurahua citizen participation, located in the central region of Ecuador that has nine provinces and has a population of 590,600 people. By introducing innovative training processes using technology, this study attempts to solve the need for virtual training and also seeks citizen participation to strengthen and maintain training services during the pandemic. 422 people participated in this study, of which 67.54% belonged to the female gender and 32.46% to the male gender, from this total 70.14% had university education. In order to collect information about people’s training needs, an online 15 questions survey was conducted. These results made it possible to establish that 90% of the participants have an interest in digital literacy processes as well as in a variety of interesting topics that would allow them to increase their knowledge. Finally, a proposal was designed to implement the virtual environment using Moodle. The online environment was designed between the months of March and September 2020 and allowed the development of ten virtual training processes with the participation of 1,817 people, of which 47% were women and 53% men. In addition, it was found that 74% of the participants were residents and 26% were rural residents. In addition, their age ranged between 18 and 29 years, which represents 76% of the total participants.
Galo Robayo, Janio Jadán Guerrero
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Aesthetic Influences of Different Functional Elements Layout on Shopping Website Interfaces
In order to objectively evaluate the aesthetic influence of the layout of different functional elements on mobile phone client interface of shopping websites, five aesthetic indexes were extracted and quantified including balance, sequence, unity, simplicity and density. The analytic hierarchy process, questionnaire method and user interview were introduced to calculate the weight of each index in different functional elements, and a synthetic aesthetic evaluation method of layout design for different functional elements was proposed. Taking the home page interface of four popular Chinese online shopping apps as an example, this paper verifies the objectivity and accuracy of the method for measuring the impact of different func-tional elements layout on interface beauty, and reflects the influence of each index on the aesthetic of the whole interface, which will be of instructive significance for future design.
Yue Su, Tang Wencheng
Open Access
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MR and Senor Application in the folding Experience Exhibition of Chinese Traditional Furniture
The study focuses on the display and interaction of Chinese traditional furni-ture including shape, structure and its ancient usage scenarios. The aim of the interaction mixed with real and virtual scene is to direct the participants to experience the ancient living scene of Chinese traditional furniture, learn the background of Chinese unique shape and structure of Chinese traditional furniture. The study is the attempt of design application of MR technology, sensor technology, and interaction of Chinese cultural heritage study and protection. A digital scene of selected Chinese ancient painting would be constructed with real and virtual Chinese ancient furniture and living things. With the help of MR technology, the participants would join in the digital scene of ancient living scene, directed by virtual waiter to experience the fix process of Chinese traditional furniture, set up literati exchange scene of an-tique appreciation, poetry and painting, and so on.
Yu Dehua
Open Access
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Application of Kansei Engineering Techniques to the Redesign of a Turkish Coffee Maker
Turkish Coffee Maker is a well-known product that was invented and first manufactured in Turkey. Although it is a novel product, there is a huge demand for these machines as well as competition among the manufacturers. These companies are already implementing many innovation strategies. However, the study aims to carry out a computer-aided innovation method named Kansei Engineering in the Turkish Coffee Maker domain. Furthermore, many sub-methods were conducted in this research. These are extracting Kansei words, selecting specimens, choosing product properties, conducting affinity diagrams, SD Surveys, Factor, QT1, Descriptive and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. In total, 257 Turkish people have participated in the study. It is expected that the findings will be beneficial for design experts who are redesigning Turkish Coffee Maker.
Müge Göken, Ekrem Cem Alppay
Open Access
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Interactive Gesture of Exhibition Hall Mobile Follow Service Robot’
In order to make gesture-based interaction more natural for users, this research aims to find suitable gestures for interaction between users and exhibition hall service robots. The research process is divided into two stages. The first stage conducts demand analysis and task definition to analyze user needs and tasks in different scenarios during the visit of the exhibition hall, thus to define the task set of the exhibition hall service robot gesture interaction. The second stage conducts two experiments. Experiment one carries out gesture inspiration. Participants are invited to design gestures for different tasks in each scene,therefore obtain the user-defined gesture sets. Experiment two conducts gesture evaluation tests. Experts are invited to select three candidate gestures for each task. In order to collect user preferences for candidate gestures, participants are asked to watch candidate gesture’s demonstration videos and score candidate gestures in terms of ease of use, comfort, matching and memorability The candidate gestures are sorted according to their scores. The most ideal gestures for human-computer interaction between exhibition hall service robots and users are obtained in different scenarios and tasks.
Chen Ting, Tang Wencheng
Open Access
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Ontology-based Approaches to Medical Data Integration
Medical data come in a variety of forms and are stored in different types of databases. Some are structured relational database stores, while others are semi-structured and unstructured, such as the emerging NoSQL data stores. A lot of valuable data can be found in the form of unstructured text, such as clinical notes and discharge letters. To analyze and discover hidden patterns and extract knowledge from the data, they should be integrated. In the field of medicine, many ontologies have been created to provide a common basis for information exchange and to improve semantic interoperability. In this paper, we provide an overview of ontology-based integration approaches for various sources of medical data. We also identify current challenges and provide directions for future research.
Ines Obradovic, Mario Milicevic, Boris Vrdoljak, Krunoslav Zubrinic
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Assessing the Success of Risk Assessment and Factors Affecting Its Success
Even though risk assessment is an important factor in occupational health and safety (OHS) promotion and accident prevention, there are no clear definition of when the risk assessment is successful nor instructions on how to evaluate it. Inadequate risk assessments lead to ineffective safety prevention programs, inefficient use of resources, and criticism towards risk assessment. If decisions are based on misleading results, significant sources of risks are failed to eliminate or reduce.Certain factors have been recognized in the literature to affect the quality of a risk assessment, including initial assumptions, chosen method, risk assessment team, resources, and consultation and collaboration of relevant stakeholders. In evaluating the quality of risk assessment, it is suggested to examine the completeness, accuracy, fidelity, and fitness of the risk assessment results. Different approaches have been identified to be used in the evaluation, such as carrying out a parallel analysis of the system, comparing the results with occurring accidents in corresponding systems, and examining the process. This study aims to add knowledge of when a risk assessment is successful and which factors influence the success. The data was collected from OHS specialists and managers (n = 10) by interviewing them. In addition, the Delphi survey was emailed to 17 OHS specialists and managers resulting in 8, 12, and 13 responses in three rounds. The respondents represented four large companies (manufacturing, transportation and storage, and other technical testing and analysis), one medium-sized company (electrical power generation, transmission, and distribution), consulting business companies, and public authority. The interviews and the Delphi survey focused on when a risk assessment can be said to be successful and which individual and organizational features affect its success. According to the interviews, companies do not systematically evaluate the quality of the risk assessment or its success but rather control if the risk assessments are completed. However, they did acknowledge the importance and need for evaluating the risk assessment processes and results. Based on the Delphi survey, individual features affecting the risk assessment are, for example, understanding of the entity, communication and interaction skills, and understanding of the interdependencies. Organizational features influencing risk assessment include organization’s commitment to safety and safety management, risk assessment being a part of the safety management system, and line organization understanding its responsibilities and operating accordingly. Finally, a successful risk assessment fulfills, among others, the following points; the risk assessment represents reality, the results are utilized in planning and developing work tools, instructions and operations, the employees are aware of the residual risks and able to acknowledge them while working, the risk assessment is utilized in educational and orientation material, and that the measures have been focused and carried out so that the risk is removed or reduced. Further research is needed to formulate a model guiding the evaluation of the quality and success of risk assessment.
Minna Rantala, Maria Lindholm, Sari Tappura
Open Access
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Transdisciplinary Approach in Social Robots: A Repertory Grid Analysis on Perception and Anticipated User Experience
Social robot can be defined as a physical robot with capabilities of interacting with their surrounding in a social manner. Social robots should be designed both physically and socially. Designing them requires more than technical knowledge and should be taken as a transdisciplinary process in which engineers, program-mers, behavioral scientists and designers co-work. This study aims to explore the transdisciplinary nature of social robots as an emerging social artefact.A repertory grid study is conducted with 13 participants from different back-grounds to reveal the perceptual keywords about social robots. 50 potential users contributed to an anticipated user experience survey to understand their percep-tions. Outcomes of these two studies are compared. Results show that different professions involved have their own approach and way of understanding that cover varying aspects of social robotic field. This highlights the position of this study which supports transdisciplinary work, and believes transdisciplinarity’s positive contributions in the future research.
Sena Semizoğlu, Ekrem Cem Alppay
Open Access
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Anticipated User Experience Evaluation of Game Controller Designs
Input and output components in interactive video game systems are im-portant, especially when it comes to interaction style and experience. In par-ticular, as a primary component of the user-interface control devices espe-cially in interactive product systems that allow us to play are directly defini-tive in interaction and diverse in terms of form and functionality. Product features are considered important because they influence the UX. Therefore, two-phased study conducted in our study to review controllers from product design perspective with a certain game type and various controllers for better understanding effects of product features on anticipated user/player experi-ence. Based on the existing AUX framework, we designed and implemented surveys to measure the expectation and evaluation of design features. As a result of the implementation, we obtained results that are consistent with the existing framework and easier to interpret and associate with AUX.
Serefraz Akyaman, Ekrem Cem Alppay
Open Access
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Comparison of Accessibility in EU Public Sector Websites
Web accessibility means ensuring that a wide range of people can easily access digital information and functions on the Internet. The European Parliament stresses that today the Internet is not only an essential tool for accessing information and communicating with others, but also tool for many other daily activities, as it allows access to many services. Therefore, it is very important in the process of enabling participation in democracy and social inclusion. The importance of internet accessibility is confirmed by various initiatives and programs, as well as laws and policies around the world that include implementing regulations for the accessibility of websites for people with disabilities. As a public sector organization, European Parliament has ensured to meet the current standards for its products and content, including those to be heard in the EU Web Accessibility Directive, which came into force in December 2016. The directive is based on the most recent version of the guidelines, the Web Content Accessible Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, compliance level AA. According to the EU standard, users should atleast be able to magnify most of the website up to 300% without problems, navigate most of thewebsite using only a keyboard, and navigate most of the website using assistive devices such as a screen reader or magnifying glass. Most EU members, and the EU have committed to taking appropriate measures to ensure access for people with disabilities on an equal basis with others as of September 2018. One of member countries is the Republic of Croatia, whose Parliament has adopted the Law on the Regulation of Public Facilities with strict deadlines. Almost three years have passed since this law came into force and it is questionable how the law has been interpreted and applied to public facilities and services websites. This paper investigates the extent to which legislation has affected the accessibility of public sector websites not only in Croatia, but also in other EU member countries. Selected public sector websites from EU and EU member countries are analyzed using accessibility assessment tools and the results are compared and interpreted. The analysis considered the number of measures that each country has legislated.
Ana Kešelj, Petra Bego, Krunoslav Zubrinic, Mario Milicevic
Open Access
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How an Incorrect Decision Caused by Peer Pressure and Personality Affects Regret
The authors conducted experimental research using two examinee groups, one with peer pressure and one without, to compare the intensity of regret for an incorrect decision. The results show statistically significant differences between the two groups, depending on whether they submitted to peer pressure. Those who changed their decision due to peer pressure showed significantly greater regret for their decision than those who did not change their answer, while there was no significant difference between those who changed and those who did not change where no peer pressure was involved. The authors also analyzed the results from the perspective of each examinee’s Big Five personality characteristics, and the results suggested a negative correlation between an extraverted personality and the intensity of regret among those who did not change their decision despite peer pressure to do so.
Akane Matsumae, Sei Hadano
Open Access
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Strengths and Development Needs in Temporary Agency Work: Temporary Work Agency Managers’ Perspective
In temporary agency work (TAW), the temporary work agency and theuser company have employer responsibilities related to the occupational safetyand health of the temporary agency workers. The aim of the study was to inves-tigate strengths and development needs in TAW as perceived by managers oftemporary work agencies. Semi-structured interviews were conducted to collectdata from 19 managers at 10 temporary work agencies. The data were analyzedusing qualitative content analysis. The results show that TAW is a flexible andvaluable option for facilitating employment. However, there is room for devel-oping TAW practices and procedures with the co-operation of temporary workagencies, temporary agency workers, and user companies. The findings of thisstudy contribute to development of the occupational safety, health, and well-be-ing of agency workers, and sustainable TAW.
Susanna Mattila, Kati Ylikahri, Leena Rekola, Niko Cajander, Riitta Kärkkäinen, Sari Tappura
Open Access
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Workload Factors in Special Needs Education
The environment of the basic education has changed during the last few years. The children's needs are more manifold than before and there are more children who need special needs education. The implementation methods of the special needs education have changed with the inclusion (one school to everybody). The changes in the environment have challenged teachers in many different ways. The special needs teachers work in the cooperation, between the units of the separate actors, such as teachers, school psychologists, school welfare officers, a psychiatric nurse, home and child protection, which for its part increases the load of the work and may cause the feeling of the inadequacy.Ensuring and maintaining the working capacity of employees is one objective of the Finnish Occupational Safety Act. According to the act, the employer has a responsibility to make sure that the work does not load worker too much. It is important to identify the work load factors, because it is the foundation of the safety work. The article is about what are the workload factors in the special needs teacher's work. The work load factors are analysed in the framework of the well-being at work. It is attempt to find factors of well-being at work, which are significant from point of view of the work load and management. The special needs teachers of one Finnish municipality participated in the study. The data for this paper was collected through well-being survey (n=35) and workshops. The process and methods will be described in the article.The results of the preliminary data analysis indicate that work of the special needs teachers is experienced to be mentally and ethically burden. According to well-being survey the working environment and conditions were not mainly considered to be the work load factors. The special needs teachers indeed experience the feeling of the inadequacy in their work which for its part adds the load of the work. Daily work needs to be done in hurry. It is not possible to do the work as well as wanted. The paper contributes to prior research by providing new information about workload factors in special needs teachers’ work. It is important to support the special needs teachers' work welfare because it has reflections in the pupils and their families, but also to other teachers and special needs assistants.
Johanna Pulkkinen, Virpi Sillanpää
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Procedures and methods for a more effective practical research in Information Design
The present study portrays part of a methodology that was designed with a view to its applicability to a project in the field of Information Design (ID) for the interpretation and dissemination of the Heritage of a region. It was intended that the infographic project to be carried out a posteriori would reflect the Natural and Cultural Heritage of the region of Aljezur, Portugal, which would be presented visually (through infographics), in order to contribute to a multidimensional exploration of that same Heritage. This was to be achieved in a virtual context, aiming at the transmission and sharing of information in a more intelligible, visual and memorable way. Starting from the problematics: a) What functional, aesthetic, and technical aspects do we have to consider when representing different specifications of the heritage? and, b) What different aspects of Heritage require specific visual representations and differentiated solutions, for a more reliable representation of information, improving its understanding? the following hypothesis was formulated: different types of heritage require some different options and visual resources. Thus, using the case study method, an attempt was made to visually analyze a set of examples of infographics applied to Heritage, to try to find guidelines that support a solution for the realization of the aforementioned project. The objective was to make a survey and detect trends and patterns regarding the visual resources and styles used, organization and presentation of information. This took into account variables inherent to the various specificities of Heritage and information, associated with the region of Aljezur (and which are representative and may apply to other regions of the country). It was also intended, when doing this analysis, to identify which examples best fulfill the proposed objectives for the presentation of visual information, with a view to a practical component.The performed analysis was based on the entire literature review in the area of ID, categorizations associated with different infographics, functional, aesthetic, and cognitive principles inherent to the practice of ID, highlighted by the authors referenced throughout the research. At the same time, an in-depth visual search of several examples of infographics representing various types of Heritage was carried out (with the application of a non-participative observation and visual archive). This search formed the basis for organization and selection of multiple case studies, and the subsequent application of an analysis method built from the literature review. Of the 163 infographics compiled, 76 were selected for multiple case studies and application of the analysis method, resulting in a table/matrix.The adopted procedure proved to be essential for assessing methods and procedures, in the treatment of general and particular patrimonial information sets, and for direct application in the achievement of the proposed project. It was found that different types of Heritage require different options and visual resources, as well as differentiated solutions, which are more suitable for different types of heritage information and for a more reliable representation of the information, thus improving its understanding. It also contributed to an increased awareness of the options available for the infographics of the proposed project, and led to a reflection on certain theoretical aspects evaluated in the literature review, taking into account real practical examples.
Cristina Pires Dos Santos, Maria João Pereira Neto, Marco Neves
Open Access
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Digital Visualization of Biological Processes to Depict Human Physics
Many chemical and physical processes take place in the human body. They have a diverse nature, which makes the study of human nature complex, time-consuming and requiring specialized technical base, which provide entry to areas and processes that are often difficult to access or invisible to the human eye. This leads to the necessity to illustrate certain processes in the human body that are significant and need their visual presentation. This report shows developed animated actions of processes important for human biological organism, which are presented to students and specialists in the fields of biology, anatomy, ergonomics, medicine, and healthcare, as well as designers working in modern cybernetics, AR and VR. The developed 3D biological models give a better understanding of their nature and serve to build a digital database.
Tihomir Dovramadjiev, Diana Pavlova, Rusko Filchev, Rozalina Dimova
Open Access
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Intuitive Body Operations Suppressing VR Sickness
We propose a user interface that provides users feeling of immersion in virtual space. Recently technological progress of devices that give users illusions as if they were exercising their arms and legs in virtual space have been remarkable, and contents for such devices have been popular. Especially, Virtual Reality (VR) contents that provide interaction between users and objects in virtual space have attracted more and more attention. Some of them help users to immerse in virtual space. VR technology has put many interactions into practice that are impossible in physical space. In the current practice, however, most user’s behaviors in VR contents are limited to ones that are possible in physical space such as exploring a dungeon in a fantasy game. In this paper, we propose a novel and intuitive moving manner of users’ body in virtual space. Traditionally, in most VR contents, a user has moved by walking or riding a vehicle two dimensionally. If he would like to move three dimensionally, he has to rely on a conventional operation such as a joystick, mouse or keyboard other than intuitive body actions. Such three dimensional movements in the virtual space through conventional operations, however, causes VR sickness because of movement of the sight without any body action. There are measures of mitigation to prevent VR sickness. For examples, some systems suppress the VR sickness through a body action such as stepping to go forward. We have designed a moving manner including up-and-down movement with intuitive and highly immersive body actions. In our system, a user rides a popular fitness equipment, which has two pedals for left and right feet, and he or she can open or close his legs by sliding the pedals to the sides on it. On the equipment, the user can designate movement to any directions through body actions. If he wants to go forward, he can wave his arms as if he is walking. Also, if he wants to go up, he can shake his legs in a flurrying manner as if a bird flaps its wings. In order to stay in the air, he holds his legs widely. On the other hand, in order to go down, he holds his legs narrowly. Those movement of limbs’ actions give the user feeling of motions, which contributes to enhancing his immersion while suppressing VR sickness. In order to show the effectiveness of our approach, we conducted experiments to compare our method with a conventional method using a controller. We had the subjects move around the same course in a 3D virtual stage with these methods, and verified the degree of the sense of immersion and development of VR sickness. As a result, we observed that our method increases the sense of immersion and reduces VR sickness.
Naoto Utusmi, Munehiro Takimoto, Yasushi Kambayashi
Open Access
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Characterizing soft modes’ traveling in urban areas through indicators and simulated scenarios
Nowadays, online route planners for soft modes are provided by several platforms such as Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Here, or Waze. Itineraries are usually built using Shortest Path Problem algorithms that minimize the travel time or distance. In this work, we aim to identify and quantify the main features that influence itineraries’ choice by soft modes users in urban areas, able to support multi-objective routing, using simulated scenarios. We propose a set of 21 indicators, grouped into five dimensions: Safety-Security, Comfort, Air Quality, Accessibility and Time-Distance. Another contribution of this work is the simulation of scenarios to study soft modes’ multi-objective routing within urban areas.
Soraia Felicio, Joana Hora, Marta Maria Campos Ferreira, Camila Dangelo, Paulo Costa, Diogo Abrantes, Jorge Silva, Miguel Coimbra, Maria Teresa Galvão Dias
Open Access
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Considering the need for new aspects in route planners
The rising number of people living in city centers is connected to an increase of private vehicles, traffic, and associated harmful effects. Efforts have been made to promote a modal shift to the use of more sustainable transportation means, such as walking and cycling, but several factors hinged to safety, comfort, and accessibility, still hinder this goal. Current route planners often focus on two particular dimensions, time and distance, which might not be enough to support other personal perceptions. We need to consider new aspects and different dimensions, such as air quality, noise levels, or people density, fueled by the recent advances in the area of sensorization and the Internet of Things. We tested the idea of an innovative route planner with surveys and focus groups and concluded that there is an interest for more power to customize personal routes, which could be a key element boosting soft mode mobility.
Diogo Abrantes, Marta Maria Campos Ferreira, Paulo Costa, Soraia Felicio, Joana Hora, Camila Dangelo, Jorge Silva, Maria Teresa Galvão Dias, Miguel Coimbra
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
How ICT affects business processes
Throughout my work experience, I realized that ICT generates changes on the business processes in a way management has not expected. Such changes have a big impact on the company, subsequently the importance to understand them is extremely important. This motivated me to contribute to ICT and economic science, and to generalize conclusions that will help managers in similar situations. Descriptive method, quantitative and qualitative analysis, statistical methods, generalization and specialization, comparative analysis, mathematical and graphical methods were used in this paper. The research included 209 companies from all Croatian regions, 61% small, 21% medium and 18% large enterprises, classified by total revenue, number of employees and all types of business sectors defined by the national classification. The research search for data on how much the implementation of ICT has led to changes in business processes of the Companies The aim was to find out whether the introduction of computers, computer networks, the Internet, wireless internet, e-mail, common databases or electronic business has led to a change in the business processes of the Company. An affirmative answer was received from 79% companies and a negative answer from 12% companies, while 9% of them answered that it was not certain whether there was a change. Therefore, in 79% of the surveyed companies, changes in business processes occurred due to the implementation of some of the ICT. Whether there is a relationship between the presence / absence of changes in business processes and individual independent variables in this study was analyzed here by the chi-square test. As independent variables suitable for this test, the following four variables were used, as in the previous chapter: firm size (small, medium, large); total revenue (smaller, larger, large); business sector of the company (manufactoring, utility); number of employees in the company (smaller, medium, larger). Nine percent of the Companies that gave the answer "I'm not sure" were excluded from these analyzes. The practical contribution of the paper is reflected in the ability to use the research results in the real sector. The paper provides information from previous researches, author's views, conclusions and practical data consequently, that other researchers will be able to critically process, replicate, modify or apply. In addition, this paper may be an incentive to explore the impacts of ICT in other areas of the economy.
Daglas Koraca
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Fast Image Inpainting for DIBR View Synthesis Using Distance Transform and Gaussian Filtering
This paper presents a fast and lightweight image inpainting method using distance transform and Gaussian lowpass filtering on disoccluded regions for virtual view synthesis. Virtual views are created from one texture-plus-depth image and afterwards a described method is used for the hole filling process. Proposed algorithm is compared with several state-of-the-art image inpainting methods using different no-reference image quality measures (BRISQUE, NIQE, PIQE). Results for the proposed method show competitive performance, while having lower execution time, concluding that the proposed method can be used in different real-time scenarios.
Emil Dumić, Anamaria Bjelopera, Tina Pogač
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Predictive method of influencing factors on air flow instability using black propagation artificial to optimize mining ventilation monitoring and control
Existing techniques for monitoring and controlling the ventilation system in un-derground mines are limited; since they only detect areas of low oxygen level or use software to model systems based on standardized data, but not, they evaluate the factors and identify the causes that generate the deficiency in the system. For this reason, a predictive method of factors influencing the airflow of the ventila-tion system is proposed as a possible solution with the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) to strengthen the monitoring and control process. The method-ology proposed in this research includes the analysis of air flow factors in critical mining areas to identify the study parameters. In the case study, a database of rec-ords of ventilation conditions of a mine was used. A test of 11 predictive neural networks was developed, with approximately a base of 250 standardized data.
Carlos Raymundo, Juan Ramos-Barrial, Erick Leon-Plasencia, Yaneth Vasquez-Olivera, Luis Arauzo-Gallardo
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Study on the Perceived Quality of Hand-Operated Mechanical Controls in Passenger Cars Using the Example of Air Vents
Users perceiving mechanical controls as high quality is critical in au-tomotive engineering. This study examines how 30 participants rated three air vents taken from one vehicle segment. Results indicate that the haptic sense had the greatest influence on the judgement of quality. Participants were even able to detect differentiation of actuation path length and forces. Technical haptic parame-ters were identified that promise favorable impressions. Future research should use a test-rig to enable specific manipulation of technical parameters.
Michael Tondera, Matthias Fischer, Julia Kaiser, Thomas Maier
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Digitization of Pre-Election Messages During The 2021 Parliamentary Campaign In Bulgaria
The pre-election campaign for the forthcoming parliamentary elections in Bulgaria in April 2021 is being held in the conditions of social distance and strict observance of anti-epidemic measures against COVID-19. In a situation of inter-institutional crisis (lack of normal communication between the President and the Prime Minister), as well as of uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in the country, where moral values are being tested, politicians are facing a new type of communication of their election messages. Internet platforms, and especially social networks, have become increasingly popular channels for politicians to communicate with their constituents.The intense technological developments facilitate the digital form of communication via Internet. The chance to communicate directly in real time with potential voters, thus avoiding the interpretations of the mediator, has growing preference by political leaders. The extraordinary circumstances related to the spread of the Corona virus further catalyze the process, as they enhance audiences and institutions to redirect their way of communication mainly to the digital environment, thus making communication via social networks, regardless of the age of the audiences, even more popular. Many politicians choose this option as the preferred channel for their messages, including to the media, instead of using the usual press conferences. This raises the question of the growing importance of social networks in the process of communication between society and political leaders and leads to the reasonable assumption that this model of interaction will rigorously develop, especially in times of social isolation. That is why it is of particular importance to outline the trends and the peculiarities of the developments of these online relationships. The aim of this study focuses on the dynamics of online pre-election communication between politicians and society in the context of COVID-19. The object is the specifics of the internet connection between the contemporary digital audiences and the MP candidates during the 2021 pre-election campaign in Bulgaria. The subject of the research are the digital election messages of the political party leaders, presented in their Facebook profiles through video-ads, posters, addresses, etc. during the one-month pre-election campaign. The methodology is an empirical study and comparative analysis.The scope of the study includes political forces, which, according to opinion polls, have a chance to overcome the 4% barrier to entering the National Assembly. The study examines the verbal and non-verbal communication of the MP candidates, the quality of their messages in terms of positivity, negativity or neutrality, as well as their commitment to social, health, economic, technological and other important topics related to the welfare of the population in the country as a member-state of the European Union. The frequency of the usage of Facebook by the political leaders, the issues that dominate their messages, and the digital activity of the audiences are also tracked.The results of the study are indicative to those interested in digital political communication during social isolation of pandemic.The paper has been developed within the framework of research projects КP-06-CОST/5-18/06/2019 and КP-06-M35/4-18/12/2019 of the National Scientific Fund of Bulgaria.
Neli Velinova, Mariyan Tomov, Lilia Raycheva, Lora Metanova
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Virtual learning environment applying digital narratives methodology
The world in recent times has experienced an unprecedented advance in the development of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), as indicated by United Nations Organization (UN) in 2019. The UN highlights that the influence of new digital technologies has transformed society, reaching more than 50% of the world's population in the last 20 years. In this context, education as a key piece in the development of society, must become a benchmark when innovating its teaching processes, with the purpose of reaching more and more segments of the population with affordable technological tools that provide quality educational processes. Thus, virtual learning environments (VLE) have become spaces where it has been possible to move the classroom to virtual world. This technology has introduced new methodologies, interactive material, and various ways of presenting information. This study proposes the development of a virtual learning environment as a space to study the topic of internal combustion engines, applying digital narratives methodology. Through bibliographic and documentary research, it has been found that this strategy fosters various capacities in students, based on visual and auditory stimulation, facilitating learning and retention of information. For the development of the virtual classroom, the theme will focus on the theoretical study of the internal combustion engine operating cycle. To accomplish this, the Moodle platform has been used, considering it the most suitable because its design provides both students and teachers with a personalized, robust, and safe environment. The functionalities of the virtual classroom will consist of providing the student with a visually attractive space both in structure and content. For this, there will be tools, Moodle environment typical activities and others that are available online, which facilitate the creation of educational content. The proposed prototype seeks to become a space that complements the work developed in conventional learning. Thus, the contents of the virtual classroom are intended to bring the student closer to the subject to be developed in class and afterwards consolidate what has been learned. With this, it is expected to improve academic performance through constant motivation towards the study of the subject, also contributing to collaborative work before, during and after face-to-face sessions.
Cesar Guevara, Juan Paredes
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Dynamics among User, Management and Policy: A Case Study of Playgrounds during the COVID-19 Pandemic in Hong Kong
Playgrounds were also closed off to prevent children from having close contacts with others to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic. Field visits were carried out to investigate the situation. It was found that many play facilities were closed off by using barrier tapes and barricades, and some children and their caregivers still played in the playground. However, the management company and policy-makers were unable to respond to children's and caregivers’ needs. The paper thus suggests a user-management-policy (UMP) model illustrating the ideal communication and collaboration among user, management company and policy-makers in an existing facility.
Yi Lin Wong
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Application of Decision Tree to Banking Classification Model
In this research, we will focus on INSOTEC NGO, an entity dedicated to granting microcredits to entrepreneurs with limited economic resources. This company is present in rural areas of Ecuador, increasing its income in recent years. The organization plans to become a bank in the long term and expand its operations to near countries such as Colombia and Peru. However, the entity's customer classification processes have had many drawbacks because it is currently a manual procedure that generates a high operational burden, slow response times to customers, huge inefficiency rates, and a great problem to continue growing. Therefore, the process is no longer sustainable as long as the organization continues growing. Competitors in the banking sector have implemented artificial intelligence projects with machine learning classification methods such as neural networks, decision trees, etc. This has led them to improve efficiency, increase reliability, reduce costs, and decrease the operating burden. These banks have taken advantage of these technological advances to reduce credit risk, control bank fraud such as money laundering, improve their marketing campaigns, and enhance their products and services to be more attractive and competitive in the market. INSOTEC plans to emulate these advances in customer rating processes to take advantage of the benefits mentioned above. This project proposes to model an artificial intelligence algorithm that classifies the organization's clients based on the different variables that are considered convenient for the analysis. The method selected to meet this objective is a decision tree, a supervised learning method that builds models that are easy to interpret. Its implementation complexity is very low, it allows continuous and categorical values, and it handles noise from data from different sources very well. This investigation has the right to use the information of the organization that is hosted in a SQL SERVER 2016 database, which contains the daily transactional details of the current portfolio, the default of loans, and the information of the main client: age, gender, credit range and type of products granted. Also, the dataset has historical data for the last three years but could include preliminary information if necessary. Model evaluation is an essential element of the investigation. In this case, a confusion matrix is a method selected to evaluate the results, it is expected to obtain a level of precision greater than 95%. This evaluation method is used to find the number of false positives to ensure the reliability of the model. The model must have high precision because if it fails, loans could be delivered to people who are not creditworthy and cannot meet the payments, which would be counterproductive for the organization since it would increase the default of loans and operating costs. In short, the machine learning model will automatically classify customers according to the different variables using a decision tree. This implementation will reduce the operational burden, response times to customers, and improve the competitiveness of the organization. This new process will guide the organization to implement these models in other areas such as risk, finance, auditing, and operations.
Cesar Guevara, Juan Freire
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Trends in specialization for health infrastructures: design of a hospital for the elderly in in the parish of Calderón, Quito
In the city of Quito-Ecuador, the public health system does not have specialized infrastructure to treat certain conditions of the elderly, in addition to this, the COVID 19 pandemic has collapsed health systems around the world. In this context, this article presents an architectural design proposal for a specialization hospital for the elderly with the aim of responding from academia to this problem. A mixed research methodology is applied with socio-spatial analysis of the health care reality of the elderly and exploration in a hospital prototype design according to the needs detected in the socio-spatial analysis. As a result, it is found that the Calderon Parish in Quito is the area with the greatest deficit of hospitals for the elderly and digital design is an indispensable tool when viewing innovative architectural projects with a specialized function.
Daniela Zumarraga, Frank Bernal, Cristian Darquea, Mauricio Unda
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
People interaction as the driving force of the knowledge city
Several authors defend that the interaction between people of diverse areas help the interchange of information, and with this the production of innovation. Barcelona's knowledge city, under the 22@Barcelona Plan, modify its land use looking for the confluency of the different interested parts and the city hall through the 22@ Society promotes the creation of the 22@Network association. The objective of this association is to start this innovative milieu through the strengthening network between the stakeholders. This organizes meetings in rotative but improvised spaces. Thus, the questions which guide this paper are: Do knowledge city spaces strengthen the spontaneous interaction? Do these interactions events contribute to the construction of an inclusive city?The objectives of this work are: i). Identify the stakeholders in the construction of the knowledge city, in the different phases of the 22 @ plan, ii). Identify the different actions, both physical and social, aimed at interaction for innovation, and iii). Describe the type of interactions that are promoted through the 22 @ Network and its variants through both public and private institutions, and an approach to spontaneous interaction. To develop these objectives, a qualitative method is used, based on a case study. It starts with a review of the official documentation of the plan and its background, interviews with various stakeholders and participant observation between 2013 and 2016. This work seeks to give greater clarity to the actions that help build the so-called innovative environment, its successes and shortcomings in terms of interaction for innovation, inclusion and equity. We found that changes in land use arise prior agreement of actors from the public, private, academic and, to a certain extent, social sectors. The process involved a constant tension among the various actors due to their different interests. It reveals a very active society, whose power struggle is taking shape on the territory, with a strong intervention of the public and private sector. The interactions of innovation are mainly preconceived by the 22@Network association. This is an interaction aimed at joining forces, with no room for dissent, with low representation of the community. We also found that there is a synergy of spontaneous interaction that goes beyond what was foreseen and the district analysed.This work delves into an important area of the knowledge city, in the construction of the innovative milieu, whose progress is of fundamental importance when a large number of cities on four continents allocate resources to its construction.
Sonia Cueva Ortiz, Cesar Guevara
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Improvement of the English III Training Project, Through Training Action Research from Socioformation
Many are the educational models and approaches that have been used throughout decades in the world. These have had their variations and changes such as evolution and epistemology of educational processes. Despite this, many times teaching continues under traditional models that do not open the full development of students and do not favor sustainable social development in general. Applying the methodology of training projects from socioformation favors key goals such as forming and consolidating the ethical life project, having entrepreneurship, developing the necessary skills to face the challenges of the context, and working collaboratively. On the other hand, it consists on a strategy in which articulated activities are proposed in order to solve challenges or problems of the context, favoring the communities or areas where it is applied. And it is applied from the socioformation since it is a new approach based on the ethical project of life, entrepreneurship, the development of skills and collaborative work. In this way, the problems to be solved through the training projects would be significant for the students, since it makes them feel active entities in the process, and in turn, useful to the society where they develop as individuals. For this reason, the application of training projects is proposed from socioformation in education, especially at the university level. When applying the research, the deficient planning of the training project from the socio-formative model of the Indoamérica Technological University could be detected as a problem. The purpose is to present an improvement in the planning of a training project in the area of English. The applied methodology is the analysis of a training project from the socioformation, with the aim of improving the planning processes following certain educational references such as trans disciplinarity, collaborative work, the rubric, and the final product, contributing to the solution of a real problem of the context. Results were obtained such as the evaluation of the didactic planning practice of the training project, achievements and aspects to be improved were identified and on that basis a new planning of the project was proposed from the socioformation. It was possible to verify as conclusions that the methodology proposed from the socioformation to develop the didactic planning in the training project presents very positive aspects, since the activities are articulated to achieve a desired end as a final product. In addition, students learn in a contextualized way, solving environmental challenges, contributing to sustainable social development.
Cesar Guevara, Lorena Espinosa, Roilys Suarez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Development of an Interactive Story Applying Digital Narrative for Reading Comprehension
In the educational field, the subject of language and literature develops communicative skills, being an essential complement for comprehensive training in other areas. However, there are difficulties in reading comprehension of texts, as mentioned in a UNESCO report (2017) in which it is indicated that six out of ten children and adolescents do not reach the levels of reading proficiency. Interactive stories relate magical and emotional events, digital narratives such as storytelling add technological tools to the educational process. These pedagogical strategies allow students to participate, interact and build their meaningful learning, that is why four interactive stories were designed and applied, with adapted narratives the social environment of the students and popular legends of the region. The stories link their emotions with the characters, settings, time, space, places, strengthening reading comprehension of the texts. The methodology applied to the research is qualitative in nature, describing the narratives with language and literature themes. Storytelling and gamification were used through digital tools: Vyond, Movavi, Powtoon, VideoScribe and Filmora that were used in the construction of the stories. Their versatility allows adding real or fantastic images, editing videos with their own or adapted sounds, animations that visually and audibly attract students. The participants are students of the PCEI “Juan Jiménez” school, of the January 8 Extension, intensive upper basic cycle, with a population of 15 years and older who live in rural areas. The handling of the devices is poor, that is why the stories were designed for young people and adults with levels of basic technological knowledge. The application was made in two groups: the control group composed by students who visualized a traditional class and the experimentation group who visualized the class with the storytelling methodology, both groups with the same theme to measure the results of texts’ comprehension. The stories were exposed in the classroom prior to socialization of the methodology, with a diagnostic evaluation before their presentation and a final evaluation of the applied technique, in a class period every weekend, for a month. The results show that the applied methodology allows reaching different types of student population with characteristics typical of rural areas, fosters reading comprehension due to the visualization and interactivity in the narratives. Treating topics addressed in class with similarities to their environment links their emotions, feelings, they make the storytelling methodology in the classroom a success, contrary to the traditional class that makes difficult to understand texts and consequently the topics addressed in any course. However, it is necessary to further disseminate digital narratives in education to strengthen the learning process. The characteristics of these tools are innovative and easy to use today. It is essential to implement them in each of the educational centers, taking advantage of the resources and technological skills of the student population.
Cesar Guevara, Carmen Graciela Encarnación Vargas
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Determining the Relevance of Quality Dimensions Concerning Video Conferencing Applications Used in Educational Ecosystem
With the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic, video conferencing applications have become an indispensable asset of educational ecosystems worldwide. These applications nowadays serve as a backbone of all educational activities, including delivering lectures and practical lab sessions as well as conducting exams. It is therefore of great importance to identify to what extent they comply with the quality requirements. The objective of this paper is to examine the psychometric features of the measuring instrument designed for measuring quality in the context of applications used for delivering lectures online and to determine if there are any significant differences among them when quality attributes and items are considered. For this purpose, an empirical study was carried out in which a representative sample of users was composed of students from two Croatian higher education institutions. The research adopted a within-subjects design contrasting applications designed for video interaction and used in educational settings. Reported findings revealed which dimensions of quality are the most relevant in the context of applications meant for video meetings. Implications for both researchers and practitioners were presented and discussed.
Tihomir Orehovački, Snježana Babić, Darko Etinger
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Influence of Brightness and Saturation of the Background Color of the Computer Icons on the Matching Color Aesthetics
This article mainly explores the influence of the brightness and saturation of the background color of the computer icons on the matching color aesthetic. The color of an icon has a crucial effect on its aesthetics. In this study, a total of 72 icons were experimentally evaluated. The experimental results are compared with the conclusions of the matching color aesthetic calculation model. Finally, from this pilot study, we can receive a conclusion that the saturation of the background color has a certain effect on the matching color aesthetic of the icon. However, due to the discrepancy between the results of the brightness experiment and the conclusions of the model, the effect of the brightness on the matching color aesthetic of the icon still needs further research and exploration. Besides, the experimental results show that changes in the shape of the logo in the icon will also have an impact on the evaluation of the aesthetic.
Kexin Lu, Lei Zhou, Chengqi Xue
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Gamification in the Teaching-Learning Process for Initial Education Children
The main objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of the impact of this didactic strategy in the teaching-learning process through a quasi-experimental study and a comparative analysis in initial education students, aimed at generating an innovative proposal for the educational field The present investigation began with the application of a pretest, to determine the knowledge before the intervention with the gamification tool designed for mobile devices. After the intervention, a post-test was applied to both control and experimental groups. The result was that the experimental group achieved better results compared to the control group. Finally, it is concluded that the learning obtained when working with a technological tool is significant, as part of a didactic strategy.
Mireya Zapata Rodríguez, Silvia Cajamarca
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Smart grid security challenges and approach at substation level automation
This paper identifies the emerging cybersecurity issues of the smart grid ICT component in the implementation of control and monitoring systems at the substation level.The attack surface originates from a local network across different levels of interoperability, communication (data) model standard, and digital data collection. Given the level of complexity and overall exposure, the system is vulnerable to numerous cyber threats, resulting in significant consequences for system stability and availability. Since there is no absolute security or ultimately safe methods of cyber threat protection, an appropriate approach must be applied that will focus on prevention from the very design of the system, regular operation, and maintenance. In this paper, we propose a set of security measures that can be applied to elevate the security at the substation level.
Mladen Šverko, Darko Etinger, Nikola Tanković
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
OHS Management Skill Development and Continuing Learning
Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management focuses on employee safety and health; OHS legislation establishes the requirements for OHS management competencies. This study aims to identify measures for developing OHS management skills during a management career to support managers’ competence development and continuing learning. A qualitative multiple-case study of seven industrial companies in the energy and processing industries and industrial services was conducted. Measures for developing OHS management skills during the following stages of a management career were identified: 1) recruitment, 2) orientation, 3) competence assessment, 4) competence development, 5) performance assessment and measurement, and 6) incentives and rewards. This study suggests practical organizational measures for developing managers’ OHS competence at different career stages as general management competencies. Developing managers’ OHS competence provides them with knowledge of their responsibilities and expectations, as well as company-wide OHS objectives and practices to improve OHS and operational efficiency.
Sari Tappura
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
mHealthINX – The mental Health experience concept
mHealthINX is an international research project that aims to design and develop a digital-based solution that supports older employees (55+) in pro-moting and strengthening their mental health. Age-related decline of physi-cal and cognitive abilities can raise challenges and stressful situations for older adults at work. Although older workers are in general more capable of managing and coping with stress-related situations than their younger coun-terparts, at some point, many become overwhelmed, can experience a de-crease in their productivity, or face a higher risk of health-related issues. mHealthINX seeks to alleviate these problems by providing a user-friendly digital solution that supports older employees in monitoring their stress lev-els, make themselves aware of stressors, and preventing stress-related conse-quences. The prototype will provide mental health assessments and mental health-promoting features such as cognitive training, mindfulness, and techniques and tools supporting users in learning to cope with stressors. This work aims to depict the mHealthINX solution's concept and highlight the in-terplay between it’s frontend components. Next to the concept, this work fo-cuses on the user experience and user involvement results gained from the first and second workshops held in Switzerland and the Netherlands.
Miroslav Sili, Martin Bachler, Elisabeth Broneder, Réne Luigies, Niklas-Aron Hungerländer
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Cultural difference of simplified facial expressions
In this research, the authors succeeded in creating facial expressions made with the minimum necessary elements for recognizing a face. The elements are two eyes and a mouth made using precise circles, which are transformed to make facial expressions geometrically, through rotation and vertically scaling transformation. The facial expression patterns made by the geometric elements and transformations were composed employing three dimensions of visual in-formation that had been suggested by many previous researches, slantedness, of the mouth, openness of the face, and slantedness of the eyes. The authors also surveyed cultural differences of impressions of such simplified faces.
Meina Tawaki, Ichi Kanaya, Keiko Yamamoto
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Video game design to promote environmental conservation
The objective of this research was to design a video game to promote environmental conservation in school children. This work was based on the SUM methodology as well as the considerations proposed by Schell and Rogers. Working meetings were held with the data obtained from the research instruments, aiming to place the project in a context close to the participants, so that the final product would be very familiar to them; then the characters that should also be within the context and the script as a key piece in the telling of the story were determined. To generate the video game design document, the recommendations made by Rogers were considered. In this project we have worked directly with the target audience, generating rapid prototypes that allowed the refinement of this, finally we obtained the design document, which will serve as the basis for its development. It is expected with this video game to get students interested in environmental conservation.
Miguel Cobos, Carlos Borja
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Exploration of Multi-Touch Sliding Gesture Usage in In-Vehicle Infotainment System
Although more and more functions are integrated into the center touch screens, many researchers have proved that touch screens might distract drivers’ attention and cause accidents. Voice controls were also proved mentally straining and takes long interaction times. This article explored the practicability of multi-touch sliding gesture operations, basing on multi-touch screens or touchpads that are already widely used in vehicles. We built a multi-touch sliding gesture In-Vehicle Infotainment (IVI) system and a traditional touch IVI system, then evaluated them from both subjective and objective perspectives. The results are very positive: by using sliding gesture op-erations, the eye off-road time reduced 87.3%, the off-lane counts reduced 86.84% and the accident rate reduced from 7.5% to 0%. The driving activity load score reduced by more than half and the User Experience Questionnaire scored 2 ranks better.
Ziyi Shen, Yin Guodong
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Behavior patterns detection in the interaction with flat screen technology work-systems
The most common work systems with flat screen technology in learning environments of Public Universities in Mexico are mainly determined by mobile devices and laptops. From comparative analysis with mathematical models, it was observed the existence of behavior patterns from the interaction processes that a group of users with normal vision performs on these technological devices. It has been detected from these studies that the interaction processes with a work system are not continuous, they are integrated by a large number of temporary interaction micro-processes which are grouped into sub-systems and they tend to vary depending on the work system in which the user interacts. In addition, it was observed that these processes are hierarchically preceded by two stages: The first stage refers to the location, where factors of spatiality and the focal attentional subsystem are involved. The second stage is integrated of temporary micro-processes of gross motor interaction. It is from the precise spatial location that the processes of fine motor interaction start and the interaction with the work system is executed. Therefore, it is concluded that they are work systems that require visuospatial skills of precision from the user. At the same time, it was detected that the continuous repetition of these patterns tends to generate in the user an habituation to these work systems, which could generate repercussions in various dimensions on the user, highlighting those mentioned as follow: accessibility, psychological and cognitive factors, health and inclusion of user groups. These studies are intended to promote reflections on the design of work systems considering user groups and the behavior models that these systems generate, as well as the inclusion of users whose dominant system is not the vision.
Lorena Olmos Pineda, Jorge Gil Tejeda
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The activation of the focal attention sub-system as a product of a hierarchical process during the interaction with virtual products
In studies related to the behavior patterns that are generated from the interaction processes of a group of users with virtual products., It was detected that the acti-vation of Focal Attention sub-system is a constant not only for persons with normal vision also for persons with vision weakness. However, there are behav-ioral differences depending on the user´s dominant sensory mechanism related with physio-anatomical and cognitive characteristics of the user. The effects are observed in the time of execution of the tasks, number of sensory mechanisms used during the process, stress responses generated by the fulfillment of objec-tives among others.The aim of these studies is to promote reflections on the attentional processes that are carried out from the interaction of a user with virtual products and their work systems. And explore how Focal Attention processes change with the personal characteristics of a person.
Lorena Olmos Pineda, Jorge Gil Tejeda
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Using prototype heuristics in reverse innovation engineering as an effective process for design-based learning
Design-Based Learning (DBL) teaching can induce critical thinking and im-prove problem solving. Design is considered as a cognitive process in which we are dealing complicated message under ive problem definition. However, students are struggle as their limited experience. This research de-velops a multidisciplinary curriculum for effectively learning innovative prop-osition by reverse-engineering design thinking patterns. Totally, 36 students in the industrial design of Tatung University were the experimental subjects, 18 of whom comprised the experimental group. The design process teaching of reverse engineering and prototype-heuristics cards the research teams de-signed was used as the guide. After the project, the students in the experi-mental group were able to think more effectively, learn to change the design parameters, and focus more quickly on the knowledge that should be self-learning, and the tools allows students to synchronize their ideas with those of their teachers, whereby students can reduce their reliance on teachers’ suggestions.
Chao Yang Yang, Yi Chi Fu
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The exhibition catalogue as an editorial design object
In the field of communication design, editorial design is one of the most rele-vant areas and, in this context, exhibition catalogues are prominent publica-tions. Generally, these are medium or large format books, intended to perpetu-ate the information present in the (ephemeral) exhibitions to which they relate. So, they require great care in the design and graphic production process. In this article, we consider exhibition catalogues, aiming to register their main characteristics and understand how they evolved over time. To achieve this, we base our study on bibliographic research, on the analysis of catalogues from the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – a reference institution in the Por-tuguese cultural panorama – and on interviews with experts in the field.
Elisabete Rolo, Marta Nunes
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Temperature control in robotic bone drilling process
The orthopedic manipulation “bone drilling” is the most commonly used in the surgical treatment of bone fractures. The bone drilling process is characterized with a set of input and output parameters. The first ones define the conditions of the process execution and the second ones determine the outcome. The input parameters as feed rate [mm/s] and drill speed [rpm] have the most importance for the outcome, namely thermal and mechanical damages of the bone tissue.Many scientific researches related to the input parameters influence to the bone drilling process are published. The purpose is to find such an input parameters combination which is able to guarantee optimal result concerning the outcome parameters of the bone drilling process.The difference between the experimental results of many studies appears and even becomes bigger for the sake of wide variety of test conditions used by researchers. However, the following common dependencies stand out:-to avoid thermal osteonecrosis the drilling process must be executed with possibly maximal feed rate value together with possibly minimal drill speed value. -to avoid traumatic osteonecrosis the drilling process must be executed with possibly minimal feed rate value and possibly maximal drill speed value.So that the requirements concerning the drill speed and the feed rate values are contradictory and in the same time such values must be maintained during the bone drilling process aiming to obtain the optimal results. In manual drilling these parameters are controlled by the surgeon on the base of his practical experience. But the control of these parameters and the achievement of their optimal values can be successfully realized only under its robotized execution.Feed rate control during an automatic bone drilling process using an orthopedic drilling robot ODRO has already been introduced in our previous publications. The drill speed control is the next step in the development of ODRO.During bone drilling a significant amount of already done mechanical work directly converts into thermal heat elevated at the tool – bone interface. Since the critical temperature for thermal osteonecrosis is the most rigorously defined to be 47°C, the purpose of drill speed control during bone drilling process is to maintain the temperature below this critical threshold.Currently drill bit rotation in our case is realized on the base of MAXON BLDC controller/driver. With this type of controller, the motor speed is controlled entirely by hardware. It not allows software implementation of an algorithm for controlling the speed of the motor. The created and developed algorithm as well as the obtained and presented experimental results have a purpose to demonstrate the abilities of the controller TMCM 1630 for drill speed control during bone drilling process in dependence on the data characterizing the temperature deviation.This work presents basic characteristics of ODRO as well as a new drill speed control algorithm. It is one more additional step for improving the functionality of ODRO together with feed rate control during drilling and various specialized working regimes.
George Boiadjiev, Tony Boiadjiev, Kamen Delchev, Ivan Chavdarov, Rumen Kastelov
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Integrating System-independent Learning Content with the Benefits of Digital Game Based Learning
Serious games following the ideas of Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL) by Marc Prensky mainly focus on designing a learning system which feels like a real game - while also teaching learning objectives. Descending of the enjoyment of the activity itself, serious games should provide states of optimal subjective perception of performance and peaked intrinsic motivation, influencing learning effects positively.“Lost Earth 2307” is a serious game following the ideas of Prenzky. It was developed by Fraunhofer IOSB for the knowledge domain of remote sensing. Previous studies and evaluations on the game found demand for a more modular and streamlined framework, which should support the needs of the learner without neglecting the need of authors and trainers. Such a framework should provide independence between knowledge domain (mainly content for learning objectives) and the game itself (mainly game mechanics and game loop). Implementing standards to incorporate multi-faceted knowledge domains of third party learning systems while keeping the main game mechanics in place, results in relevant learning content brought together in a serious game following the ideas of DGBL. This paper first reviews standardized state-of-the-art methods and technologies that enable a learning systems to invoke and communicate with other external learning systems. In the second step, the methods and technologies are discussed on the basis of the given objectives. Based on the discussion, a conceptual design and a system architecture is presented. The paper concludes with recommendations for future work.
Daniel Atorf, Sergius Dyck, Ehm Kannegieser
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The optimal design of mobile communication equipment based on hand analysis of the elderly
With the development and progress of society, the people's needs and level of a better life are gradually improving, education and medical facilities are improved, the average life expectancy of the people is getting higher and higher, the age of aging is quietly coming, so aging is also an important manifestation of social development and progress. In such a social background, the care of the elderly from all walks of life is reflected in all aspects of the elderly food, clothing, housing and traffic life. For example, the wearable artificial intelligence rescue system is aimed at solving the problem of the disoriented old people. The design of intelligent voice reminder medicine box to solve the problem of memory decline of the elderly; ergonomic bathroom systems for older people to address a range of potential hazards that older people may face when bathing.Under the background of the rapid development of the Internet and information age, the vigorous rise of mobile has a good opportunity for development, the widespread use of mobile communication equipment to people's production and life has brought great changes, mobile payment, online reservation, online service system, Shop online and so on, these services, which use mobile communication equipment as a medium, greatly facilitate people's lives . However, the recession of old people's memory, learning ability, walking ability and motor ability makes them once considered to be "abandoned" by the Internet age.On the other hand, from ancient times to today, hands as part of the body, has always played an important role in human production and life .hand is indispensable in the production and life of the various scenes , the study of hands is one of the most important human body research. The study of hand movement changes in the elderly is conducive to accurately judging the hand movement ability of the elderly, thus providing important data reference in the design output, so that the design results can be accepted and well used by the elderly .In the optimal design of aging for the elderly, hand is the starting point and landing point of this study. Through observation, empirical and other research methods ,Combine static measurements, including hand size, morphology, and dynamic measurements such as the range of hands can be available and acceptable activity strength of the hand, In-depth analysis of changes in people's hands to old age. At the same time, this paper uses ergonomics and other subject knowledge to study the hand characteristics, functions and structure of the elderly, and then fully combined with experimental data to the elderly hand characteristics of the comprehensive mobility analysis, the existing mobile communication equipment to make aging optimization design research, from the design point of view reflects the deep human care for the elderly, so that the elderly are no longer "isolated" by the Internet age.
Yushi Jiang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Team Design Patterns for participatory development of First Response Human-Agent Teaming
First responders (FRs) work in complex and dangerous environments in which information is often uncertain and incomplete. Advancements in sensor and artificial intelligence technology pose great potential for supporting FRs to stay resilient throughout dynamic mission developments. To avoid creating higher workload or requiring more expertise, a recommended strategy is to use a human-centered design approach that regards the human and machine as team members (Neerincx et al., 2016). For the ASSISTANCE project, we develop a module that will offer FRs support during incidents involving hazardous substances, displaying information about current and predicted gas cloud distributions using constantly updated input from meteorological services, chemical sensors, and FRs. In this research we investigated how teamwork between FRs and the module should be designed to facilitate adequate decision-making. For this purpose, Team Design Patterns (TDPs) were recently proposed as they describe roles and responsibilities within a team in an and reusable manner (Van Diggelen & Johnson, 2019). An additional benefit is the possibility to actively involve different stakeholders in the design process, incorporating relevant expert knowledge in the learning and reasoning of the AI-agent (van Stijn et al, 2021). We created three TDPs, each assigning different roles and responsibilities to the AI-agent and FRs, and assessed these with FRs in an online survey. In the first pattern, FRs collaborate with an ‘Informing Agent’ that is responsible for keeping FRs updated about the current and predicted situation. The second pattern describes the cooperation with an ‘Advising Agent’, which additionally gives mission-relevant recommendations. In the third TDP, FRs collaborate with the ‘Deciding Agent’, which also can make decisions regarding actions and carry them out. The collaboration with the first two agents was evaluated by presenting two scenarios to the FRs in which they had to handle an incident in simulated collaboration with either the ‘Informing Agent’ or the ‘Advising Agent’. The ‘Deciding Agent’ was presented at the end and FRs were asked to indicate their acceptance and preference. The results showed that preference and acceptance varied across FRs and different decisions. For example, when deciding where to allocate measurement teams, hazmat officers, who are experts in this task, tended to prefer an AI-agent with less responsibility whereas on scene commanders with less expertise for this task tended to prefer the AI-agent to take more responsibility. Additionally, comments given by the FRs indicated that trust and sufficient explanation of the underlying decision model were important factors that influenced willingness to collaborate with the AI-agent. In conclusion, this paper shows how TDPs can be applied to systematically involve end-users in the Human-AI system design process. The results point towards recommending a design solution in which the AI-agent can adapt its collaboration style to different FRs and decisions it is assisting with. Next steps include defining and investigating how to design such an adaptive cooperative system, taking into account ethical aspects such as trust of the FRs in the information and recommendations of the system and transparency of the decision model. ReferencesNeerincx, M. A., van Diggelen, J., & van Breda, L. (2016). Interaction design patterns for adaptive human-agent-robot teamwork in high-risk domains. In International conference on engineering psychology and cognitive ergonomics (pp. 211-220). Springer, Cham.Van Diggelen, J., & Johnson, M. (2019). Team design patterns. HAI 2019 - Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Human-Agent Interaction, 118–126.Van Stijn, J.J., Neerincx, M.A., ten Teije, A.T., Vethman, S. Team Design Patterns for Moral Decisions in Hybrid Intelligent Systems: A Case Study of Bias Mitigation, AAAI-MAKE 2021 Spring Symposium.
Tatjana Beuker, Tina Mioch, Mark A. Neerincx
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Novel trends for the use of X-ray computed tomography for the etiological diagnosis of iodine metabolism disorders
In the diagnosis of thyroid pathology, it is not enough to determine only functional disorder like, euthyroidism, hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism; it is also necessary to rull out the cause of the identified disorders - is this the primary thyroid disease or caused by external influences, for example, iodine-induced (iodine-deficient) or iatrogenic. There are numbers of drugs, which can affect the metabolism of iodine, the synthesis of thyroid hormones and their storage in the thyroid gland. The thyroid gland differs from the surrounding tissues by a high level of absorption of X-rays due to the presence of iodine, which is reflected in the density index[1]. Despite the fact that X-ray computed tomography (CT) has long been used in clinical practice, the potential of the method in assessing disorders of iodine metabolism is far from not being used. Purpose: To develop a method of etiological and differential diagnosis of the genesis of iodine metabolism disorders based on the determination of the density of the thyroid gland by the X-ray CT method. Materials and Methods. A retrospective analysis of computed tomography data was carried out on 289 patients examined at the Center of Nuclear Medicine and Positron Emission Tomography of the Central Clinical Hospital of Russian Railways No. 2 (Moscow). The study was carried out on a single-photon emission computed tomograph combined with an X-ray computed tomography (SPECT/CT) "Symbia T16" (Siemens). The study time was 7-10 minutes, the local radiation exposure was 0.4-1 mSv. The density of the gland was determined by the intensity of the light image of the tissue in Hounsfield units (HU)[2]. Structural changes in the thyroid gland were studied according to ultrasonography, the functional state - according to the level of hormones TSH, f.T4 (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, analyzers from Abbott, Ortho-Clinical Diagnostics). Antibodies to thyroid peroxidase (AT-TPO) and thyroglobulin (AT-TG) were determined. The ethical norms were confirmed by Ethics Committee of RUDN University (Protocol No. 30 of February 22, 2018)Results: In the course of the study, the boundary values were determined for determining the norm (86-140 HU units), decreasing (less than 85 HU units) and increasing (above 140 HU units) density. The novelty of the obtained data is confirmed by a patent [3]. The majority of patients, when referred for CT examination, had thyroid disorders - 66.4% (192 people) and only 33.6% (97 people) had euthyroidism. However, a subsequent thorough examination made it possible to clarify the etiology of thyroid disorder (thyroidal or non-thyroidal genesis). In the group of patients with a reduced level of thyroid density, more than 20% were patients without thyroid pathology, but taking medications (10.1%) or having AT-TPO (13.2%) without changing the level of hormones and the structure of the thyroid gland. Among patients with a high index of thyroid density, there were two groups - with iodine-induced hypothyroidism (caused by taking potassium iodide at a dose of 200 μg / day for 1.5-2 years) and amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism (using amiodarone 8-12 months). The low concentration of intrathyroidal iodine in patients with hyperthyroidism of autoimmune genesis indicates its rapid consumption for the synthesis of an excess amount of thyroxine, but in amiodarone-induced hyperthyroidism, the reason was its excessive intake (density increased). A poorly functioning organ that produces little of its own hormones always has a low density of 85 HU or less. In iodine-induced pathological conditions of the thyroid gland (iodine-induced hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), the density of the thyroid gland increases, and is expressed by an increase in the Hounsfield unit to 140 HU.Conclusion: The use of the X-ray CT technique allowed us, already at the stage of primary diagnosis, to identify the main etiological factors - thyroidal (thyroid disease) and non-thyroidal (exogenous or endogenous) causes of iodine storage disorders in the thyroid gland. Assessment of the density of the thyroid gland is effective in the differential diagnosis of iodine-deficient or iodine-induced disorders of the hormone-forming function of the thyroid gland.References1. Imanishi al. Measurment of Thyroid Iodine by CT || Journal of Computer Assisted Tomography -1991. - V. 15 - №2.- P.287-290.2. Hounsfield G.N. Computed medical imaging. Nobel lecture, December 8, 1979.J Comput Assist Tomogr. 1980 Oct;4(5):665-74. PMID: 6997341.3. Patent No. 2728261 dated July 28, 2020. "A method for the differential diagnosis of iodine-deficient and iodine-induced thyroid dysfunction in persons living in regions with iodine deficiency", authors: Kurnikova I.A., Tomashevsky I.O., Sargar R.V. and etc.
Irina Kurnikova, Ramchandra Sargar, Igor Tomashevsky, Tatiana Meleshkevich, Natalia Zabrodina
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Postural hygiene in the workplace for making masapan crafts
A worker may suffer muscle aches or numbness in the legs and fatigue after an eight-hour workday in which they occupy a permanent position for a long time. Considering minimum requirements of postural hygiene and ergonomics, we managed to avoid these discomforts without suffering health problems in the medium and long term. This study is part of a population of fifteen artisans who make marzipan handicrafts in the town of Calderón in Ecuador. The process arises from a transformation of the bread dough into an artisan dough more than 80 years ago, consisting of an ancestral art that needs quality from the obtaining of the dough to the artistic details of the figures, where the artisan makes his creations without realizing that they are taking poor posture in their workplace. The study analyzes the operation of the Manufacture of the Glue that is carried out standing up, mixing the ingredients to obtain the dough, and it is cooked until it obtains a homogeneous consistency. It is a repetitive activity in each of the production cycles. The OWAS and RULA methods were applied to assess the risks produced by physical loads derived from the activities carried out and the postures' global characterization, which were observed and classified in various possible combinations. The process is at level 3. That is, it requires the redesign of the task and increasing the active pauses. As a result, it was obtained that the risk category is level 2. The analyzed posture has the potential to cause damage to the musculoskeletal system.
Ana Alvarez, Mireya Zapata Rodríguez, Raquel Ango, Eric Martínez Tocoronte
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
An optical pressure measurement system for control inceptors to evaluate pilots’ workload
Understanding human-machine interaction is a fundamental research area in all engineering disciplines were the interaction between the user and the vehicle is central. From this point of view, aircraft in general and helicopters specifically offer a challenging test-bench: the interaction between the pilot and the helicopter is crucial tothe success of the flight missions. Furthermore, in some cases, the unwanted feedthrough of the aircraft accelerations at the control inputs can lead to adverse feedback loops, known as Rotorcraft Pilot Couplings (RPC) [1,2]. Since the pilot input is mediated by the control inceptors, measuring the pressure that the pilot’s hands exert on the inceptors’ grip can be very important in evaluating the mechanical impedance of the pilot, which can be correlated to the task workload [3]. However, Embedding existing measurement hardware inside the control inceptors grips may be challenging, or even impossible, without significantly altering the grip layout and thus introducing a possible source of discomfort for the pilot. These limits spurred the need to develop new measurement systems, that is able to - provide a reliable signal correlated to force exchanged between the hand and the grip; - be easy to be manufactured in such a way to be embedded in the grip, with as little loss in ergonomics as possible; - provide a signal that requires as little conditioning as possible.The solution proposed in this work has been called OPT-IN FCS (For OPTical-INceptors Flight Control System, Patent Pending) and is based on a well-known physical phenomenon commonly referred to as Frustrated Total Internal Reflection (FTIR). When an optical wave-guide, in which total internal reflection occurs, comes into contact with a third medium (outside of the wave-guide itself and air) a fraction of the incident radiation can propagate through the third medium. The paper will present the design and manufacturing of a full prototype of this device embedded in a control stick, and its application to a desktop simulator to monitor the hand activity for pilots during the performance of tasks with different levels of workload.[1] M.D. Pavel, M. Jump, B. Dang-Vu, P. Masarati, M. Gennaretti, A. Ionita, L. Zaichik, H. Smaili, G. Quaranta, D. Yilmaz, M. Jones, J. Serafini, J. Malecki (2013). Adverse rotorcraft pilot couplings—Past, present and future challenges, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 62, 2013, Pages 1-51.[2] Quaranta, G., Masarati, P., Lanz, M., Marforio, M., & Muscarello, V. (2014). Biodynamic Adverse Rotorcraft-Pilot Coupling. In 5th International Conference on Applied Human Factors and Ergonomics (AHFE 2014), pp. 87-96.[3] Zanoni, A., Zago, M., Paolini, R., Quaranta, G., Galli, M., & Masarati, P. (2021). On Task Dependence of Helicopter Pilot Biodynamic Feedthrough and Neuromuscular Admittance: An Experimental and Numerical Study. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems.
Andrea Zanoni, Pierre Garbo, Giuseppe Quaranta
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Physical and Mental Workload Assessment in Human-Robot Collaboration Workplaces - a Review
Human-Robot Collaboration (HRC) systems are often chosen to improve ergonomics in manual tasks. There are many metrics available to quantify the ergonomic benefits when implementing a HRC. It is important to understand which metrics (ergonomic methods, tests, questionnaires) are being used by researchers in terms of physical and mental workloads assessment. Therefore, the aim of this work was to review the literature on the subject and to provide key information for further investigations. A literature review was carried out in four databases and the findings were categorized into theoretical surveys and empirical studies from the last five years. Results show the emerging research fields that were identified and analyzed. The metrics used to assess physical and mental workloads were discussed and a new meaning for these results is proposed in the sense of using a global ergonomic risk assessment as input in simulation models.
Guilherme Deola Borges, André Cardoso, Hatice Gonçalves, Ana Colim, Paula Carneiro, Pedro Arezes
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Emotion induction strategies in driving simulator for validated experiments
Triggering emotions in a driving simulator is not easy as the virtual environment reduces the reality of the situations. This contribution deals with the induction of emotions in drivers during the simulation and addresses the possible hindrances in the design and implementation phases. For this purpose, an experiment is con-ducted on a driving simulator with 20 participants, 5 females and 15 males, aged 22 to 30 years old. First, important emotions that may recur in driving situations are presented. Then, the process of evoking emotions in drivers is clarified, three different strategies, namely monotonous, event-driven, and combination, are de-scribed, and the intensity of emotion evoked by each modality of the stimuli is ex-amined. In addition, a mapping from three-dimensional to discrete emotion space including seven states is presented. Finally, to evaluate the concepts discussed, the results regarding driver emotion and scenario validation are presented and general recommendations are provided.
Khazar Dargahi Nobari, Caitlin Velasquez, Torsten Bertram
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Musculoskeletal Injuries which Masapan Craftsmen are Exposed
The results of repetitive and prolonged trauma are reflected in most musculoskeletal injuries, which are pathologies that can be articular, due to the maintenance of forced postures or the excessive use of the affected joint; and bone when the relationship is with the bones. Regardless of the classification, these injuries affect the intervertebral ligaments or discs, tendons, bones, and muscles. The study was carried out on marzipan artisans in the Calderón parish in Ecuador (located north of 277 Quito canton), a place where these figures have survived over time; The results associated four risks in this regard: Lifting weights with overexertion very frequently; Operate the marzipan sheeter manually until the dough reaches the consistency necessary to develop the crafts; Maintain forced or fixed postures for hours, and perform the same movement pattern every few seconds for hours at a time. With the BIOMEC Software application, the areas of the body that have overload were determined: Shoulder and Hip. To maintain and manipulate the 4kg load, the posture must be corrected since the limitation, in this case, is the ankle, which is the joint that can least support these conditions with repetitive levels in inappropriate postures.
Alexis Suárez Del Villar Labastida, Mireya Zapata Rodríguez, Ana Alvarez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Semi-automatic kneading machine for the prevention of occupational diseases in marzipan artisans
Elderly people are a very vulnerable group to perform any work; as the years go by, the individual progressively loses body functions and for this reason profes-sional diseases are increasingly recurrent when we are in advanced age. The study population consisted of fourteen artisans, ninety-six percent of whom were in the age range of 65 to 80 years who live in the Association of artisans in the parish of Calderón in Quito, Ecuador; the work sampling method was applied where 20 minutes were obtained as standard time for the Kneading operation, which is per-formed in a manually operated machine, processing 5 kg of marzipan in each pro-duction cycle, during which time the workers remain standing and performing re-petitive movements; the objective of the research is to design an appropriate tech-nology used in the Kneading operation. With the previous study of modern man-ual kneading equipment, information was obtained on concepts such as shear force, bending moment, and tensile strength, used to proceed with the sketch and then simulate in SolidWorks Software for Windows. At the end of the data col-lection, we proceeded to design a dough mixer with AISI 1050 steel rollers, with HR processing; which allowed to reduce the repetitive movements of the right and left hand in 25000 TMU when processing the dough, reducing the current risk of contracting occupational diseases by repetitive movements such as Bursi-tis, which some people present nowadays because they are kneading manually. The bursas that are present in the joints of the human body become inflamed, an-other disease that was avoided is the Syndrome of the metacarpal tunnel that inca-pacitates the functionality of the hand. In the psychological area, these artisans are demotivated by the impossibility of developing activities when they were young-er. With the present research it is foreseen to give them a better quality in the han-dling of the operations, because in the design special attention was paid to the er-gonomic aspects and to the principle of the least effort.
Ana Alvarez, Andres Navarrete, Mireya Zapata Rodríguez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Effect of illuminance uniformity on paper-based reading performance: a pilot study
Previous studies had already evaluated the effect of illuminance and correlated color temperature (CCT) on reading performance. However, the influence among uniformity of illuminance, illuminance, and CCT had not been closely taken into account. Therefore, the aim of current study was to investigate how a particular trait of lighting conditions affected reading performance. The indoor lighting environment was conducted with two uniformity of illuminance and two light conditions (400 lx, 3000 K and 1000 lx, 5000 K). A 10-minute-long paper-based reading task was carried out for each subject and the brain activities were recorded by electroencephalogram (EEG). During the reading task, each subject was asked to find out the incorrect characters and grammatical errors in the manuscript, and the reading performance was evaluated by signal detection theory (SDT) in terms of correct rate, missing rate and false alarm. Each of the 15 subjects experienced the trial for four times, under different illuminance uniformity, illuminance and color temperature each time. EEG analysis composes of 6 electrode placements, including Fp1, Fp2, F3, F4, O1 and O2, because they detected the activities of frontal lobe and occipital lobe that were closely related with information integration, error correction and visual signal processing. The frequency bands included Theta(4-7Hz),Alpha(8-13Hz)and Beta(14-30Hz) . The results showed that the participants tended to correctly detect more errors in paragraph under high illumination uniformity of the surrounding environment. It could be inferred that as the illuminance uniformity increased under the same illuminance and correlated color temperature, reading performance was improved. Moreover, the lighting conditions of 400lx, 3000K and 1000lx, 5000K in this experiment showed different results. The lighting condition of 400lx and 3000K showed that a more concentrated illumination in the center made subjects achieve better performance than a more uniform illumination in the periphery at low illumination levels did, which might be the reason for the more significant spotlight effect under this exposure condition. According to the results, this study might inspires the design of indoor lighting in workplace so that working efficiency and quality could be further improved.
Run-Jiao Lu, Min-Chih Hsieh, Rui Dong
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Color Laws and User Preferences in Product Color Design
Morandi colors are popular in architecture, home furnishing, clothing, and other applications. The laws of Morandi colors will be summarized in this paper, at the same time, its color matching is applied to the design of products to explore the factors affecting user preferences. Morandi colors of different hues have medium and low saturation and lightness. Also, the color matching is harmonious, which can bring people comfortable and pleasant visual feelings. Furthermore, Morandi colors on products of modern, elegant, and exquisite visual characteristics are the factors of user preferences, and the color matching can satisfy the basic requirements of function, interaction, and safety. The results can provide guidance for the application of Morandi colors in product design.
Nan Zhai, Xiaojun Liu, Miaomiao Zhou
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design Driven by Sensory Perceptive Variability
Fear, anxiety, and stress of perceived or real threats of ailment, unemployment, lack of physical contacts and isolation, and movement restrictions leading to remote work and education are some of the new realities arising from the Covid-19 pandemic. New and exacerbated existing mental and physical health concerns are crucial when rethinking living spaces. This paper presents the de-sign concept for an architectural “intelligent” system that will adapt to the user. It will generate, in real time, variable “affective environments” by manipulating space perceptual parameters in order to accommodate a user’s wants, needs, and desires. Machine Learning (ML) provides the data that drives perceptual variability. The concept can be applied in healthcare (e.g., recovery rooms, care units) where sensory stimulation is key to treatment.
Asma Naz
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Augmented Reality and digital marketing. Impact on advertising campaigns and promotion
Technological advance allows the virtual fusion of objects that are beyond our reach. Augmented reality makes it easier to have objects from the virtual world to the real world. This allows many of the commercial activities that use old or conventional methods to be improved more innovatively. Information is a crucial factor in all aspects and even more so in sales activities where the evaluation of the product from different perspectives is a strong indicator in decision-making, which is why how this information is exposed is important. seen from the consumer's point of view. The problem is to determine the effects that the use of visual information produces on real images in the field of marketing and to evaluate the impact that the use of this technology has on people since it is not always possible to affirm that when using AR the result is successful since in some cases the result is not favorable. The objective is to distinguish the impact that the use of AR has in advertising campaigns through digital marketing. The methodology used is of a descriptive-analytical type to carry out a deep and progressive analysis of the references; in addition to a qualitative approach to analyze the social practices of AR. Among the results obtained from the analysis carried out, a list of advantages and disadvantages in the use of AR in advertising campaigns is presented through the use of different types of digital marketing applied to different areas, a list of ways to implement AR to expose the options that must be taken into account when presenting information about a product in a campaign or promotion, and the degree of acceptance that clients have of AR advertising campaigns as a digital marketing strategy through surveys carried out with people of different ages, genders, and knowledge, taking into account determining factors for the success or failure of the implantation of AR in a system. It was concluded that AR is a powerful tool used in digital marketing to promote a product or carry out a campaign in a more innovative way and allows the information to be reflected in the consumer's memory for a longer time, which ensures that the product is better appreciated and there are more possibilities for its commercialization, it also has more consumer attraction for the product and competitive advantage. According to the results analyzed, most people have more acceptance of the product with AR given that the way of presenting it is more innovative, but not all aspects of AR are favorable, in terms of use AR loses ground concerning conventional digital marketing methods. Much of the AR information is not yet known, so interacting with this technology can be quite tedious or in some cases impossible for people who are not very attached to the technological world. AR is a multipurpose technology, but in the field of marketing there is still a long way to go in terms of usability, but compared to the visual benefits it brings, it would not impede its full development.
Monica Daniela Gómez Rios, Daniel Humberto Caicedo Estacio, Miguel Angel Quiroz Martinez, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Tracking Knowledge evolution, hotspots and future directions of breast cancer detection using deep learning: a bibliometrics review
In the medical field, it has been necessary to provide resources to detect ear-ly-stage diseases, including breast cancer. Deep learning is immersed in all aspects of medical image analysis, catapulting it as a possible dominant autonomous technology. In this systematic review, a total of 250 results were located, of which 40 were selected, for which a quantitative methodology with a descriptive basis was chosen. The objective of this bibliometric review is to analyze models in image processing for the early detection of breast cancer using deep learning. As result, digital mammography is the most effective method for detecting abnormalities in images. The research concludes that the application of CNN (Convolutional Neural Networks) is the most preferred choice of experts for medical image analysis due to its powerful pattern recognition and feature classifier.
Monica Daniela Gómez Rios, Nestor Raul Martillo Martinez, Miguel Angel Quiroz Martinez, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
User experience: beyond decoration and usability
A foundational method of User Experience (UX) is usability. Practitioners assess the effectiveness and efficiency of their product: can users complete a given task and can they do so with ease? However, usability is only one facet of a user’s experience. This paper draws attention to the subjective, intangible aspects of user experience. It reviews current approaches to assess subjective experiences and provides guidelines on how one may tailor these approaches to needs at the levels of users, teams, and products. Additionally, using digital health apps as a case study, the paper introduces the concept of a shared user-app journey and reviews the main stages the two traverse together. It provides examples of approaches to evaluate subjective experience at various phases along the user-app journey.
Roxana Barbu
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Hardware and Software Infrastructure for Analysis, Processing and Decision Making in Medical Entities Through the Use of Big Data
Information was analyzed from architectures and models generated by research in big data and IoT for the medical area. The problem is the lack of proposals to have hardware and software infrastructures based on scientific research that assist in the analysis and processing phases to make decisions in medical organizations based on large volumes of data. The main objective of this research was to propose the hardware and software infrastructure for analysis, processing, and decision making in medical entities using large volumes of data. The development proposal of the following research work uses the analytical, inductive, deductive, observation, and quasi-experimental method that allows us to propose a general IoT and Big Data model and architecture for medical entities. This proposal resulted in a General IoT model in the health sector, a General IoT architecture for the health sector, and a Big Data General Architecture for Health Sector. It was concluded that big data and IoT are complemented by data lifecycle management in the capture, storage, processing, and analysis; this management is a conceptual proposition so that other researchers can deepen the design; the physical components of the architecture influence low performance, in part software components assist in high performance; the average performance of the proposed architecture is 93.07%.
Miguel Angel Quiroz Martinez, Christopher Gustavo Roby Cevallos, Daniel Humberto Plua Moran, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Big Data Predictive Analytics in Educational Database Systems
Through computer algorithms, daily face-to-face or online classes knowledge can be transmitted efficiently by improving student performance in knowledge assessments. The critical success factor is a management term for an element necessary for a project to achieve its mission, and it is essential to model and analyze them in big data projects. This document presents a critical framework for success factor analysis for Big Data Predictive Analytics in educational databases defining an appropriate architecture and the availability of data in that order are the main factor. The document concludes with the conclusion and recommendation of future work.
Miguel Angel Quiroz Martinez, Gabriele Enmanuel Torres Secaira, Santiago Teodoro Castro Arias, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Gaming and Learning Analytics for Educational Video Games
The design and development of educational video games, and the realization of a successful video game project, often requires the research and analysis of data as a key element for success. Increasingly companies are integrating analytics tools into their structures, taking advantage of the analytics capabilities. The focus of this paper is on the analytics instruments developed in the APOGEE software platform for educational video games. The paper presents the workflow of using these instruments in the platform for analysis and evaluation. The integration of the analytics tools into the platform will provide the opportunity to monitor all activities carried out in the platform, to process, analyze, and evaluate all available data, user behavior, and user experience in the platform. This will allow for the formation of an overall assessment of the created educational video games and their contents, and the APOGEЕ platform, including evaluations for learnability, playability, and usability.
Yavor Dankov, Boyan Bontchev, Albena Antonova
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Sentiment Analysis in Contrast to Official Data During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Ecuador
Ecuador was one of the first Latin American countries to have a proven case of the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The social networks were the media most used by citizens to replicate news about the pandemic, and issue comments about the handling of the health crisis. This article aims to present a web tool for sentiment analysis on Twitter with three different ways to analyze the corpus and polarities: a word-dictionary-based model, a custom trained supervised machine learning model, and an open-source library to process textual data and allows obtaining a polarity metric from a tweet. Then, to define the final polarity of each tweet, an ensemble machine learning model is used for combining the predictions from the three techniques through a hard majority voting ensemble. The web system was developed with free software tools and is accompanied by visualizations and statistical graphics.
Diego Vallejo-Huanga, Alisson Mendoza, Nicolás Carrasco
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Work experience of the psychological diagnosis and training technologies center "Іnsight"
The article is devoted to the disclosure of the work of the Psychological Diagnosis and Training Technologies Center "Insight". An analysis of the work of the center's specialists in the conditions of quarantine restrictions, conducting professional diagnostics, webinars, and trainings to help high school students professionally self-determine is performed. It is noted that the provision of online services is a promising area of the center in terms of distance learning. Given the requests of concerned parties for career guidance diagnosis, acquisition of skills necessary for testing, understanding their own emotions and managing emotional state, the center can work effectively remotely in quarantine as well as in the usual mode.
Oksana Kravchenko, Natallia Koliada, Olena Polishchuk, Julia Lysenko
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Open-source collaboration to assess the text complexity, helping to read and write in schools
In this paper, we describe the role of open-source tools to develop educational systems. In particular, we describe TRUNAJOD, an open-source library to extract readability indices from texts, and how it was used to develop a tool to analyze text complexity of school texts to ease the workload on teachers when selecting a text for a particular reading comprehension task. This educational tool, helps the user to calibrate or select texts based on the target school level and desired complexity for the task, offering additionally important development possibilities for writing assessment.To achieve this, the tool uses TRUNAJOD open-source library to extract multiple proxies for text complexity such as lexical diversity, coherence, and cohesion-based metrics. To provide feedback to the end-user, we also rely on a data-driven approach, in which we try to summarize the set of text measurements into five textual dimensions: lexical similarity, referential cohesion, concreteness, connectivity, and narrativity. This set of predictors is obtained via a factor analysis on textbooks from the target school system and is also validated using human experts. The tool also relies on statistical techniques and machine learning techniques to create a model that can classify if a given text is adequate to a particular school level, given its linguistics content. On the other hand, the five latent dimensions obtained via factor analysis are used to provide feedback to the end-user, and these dimensions are transformed into a standardized scale, so the teacher can assess whether the text commits to a specific reading comprehension task (e.g. teacher might want to assess narrativity, or the ability of a student to make inferences based on text connectivity, etc.). Moreover, these 5 latent factors are used to build a global complexity index for the text, which, based on statistical distribution are assigned difficulty levels (i.e. easy, medium, hard). Results showed that the accuracy of the tool to classify the adequacy of a text given a target level is close to 80%. Moreover, results also showed that the latent factors correlate with the school level and that different school levels have a different set of linguistic features that impacts the adequacy of the text to a particular school level.The contribution of this work is threefold: Firstly, we present TRUNAJOD open-source library as a utility for researchers working on reading comprehension, text complexity, quality of writing, second-language acquisition, and any other task involving analysis of language/text.Secondly, we provide an architectural design based on open-source tools to create an educational system that eases the workload on school teachers for specific reading comprehension tasks. Thirdly the tool could be used to evaluate various aspects of writing, generating appropriate evaluation parameters for students of a given school level. This would allow undertaking new developments in educational technology, such as intelligent tutor systems, and since it collaborates with other existing open-source libraries, the architectural design could be extended to any other language.
Diego Palma, Christian Soto
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The transformation of manual workstations with collabo-rative robotics: the workers' perceptions
The human factors constitute the focal point of the future Industry 5.0. The introduction of novel technologies (as collaborative robotics) in real-industry scenarios brings challenges related to the acceptance and confidence by the human-workers. The main goal of the current paper is to share the workers’ perceptions about robotics, during a real experience developed in a manufac-turing industry. Regarding assess the workers’ perceptions (n = 14 assembly workers), a questionnaire was developed and applied. The elaboration of this questionnaire was based on the bibliographic review of previous studies, and the main topics are the following: (i) workers characterization; (ii) robotics impact in occupational context; (iii) traditional robotics vs. traditional robot-ics; (iv) requirements that could compromise the HRC implementation. The results highlighted the importance of the workers’ involvement during a pro-cess of HRC introduction in a real-industry context, foreseeing a successful implementation with a safety feeling by the workers.
Ana Colim, Rita Morgado, Nuno Sousa, Carlos Faria, João Cunha, João Oliveira, Luís Rocha
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Method to assess students summaries in an intelligent tutor systems using coherence and content analysis in a reading comprehension task
In this paper, a discourse-based method that merges syntactic and semantic models for developing an automated system for reading comprehension assessment is proposed. The approach combines shallow linguistics features and discourse patterns to assesssemantic content and coherence of free-text responses by using computational linguistics and machine learning techniques.For evaluating semantic content, we use the classical models from the literature: Vector Space Modelling and Latent Semantic Analysis. For evaluating the coherence of a text, we use two types of models: semantic model and syntactic model. The semantic model uses word embeddings, this is, representing sentences from a document as mathematical vectors, and establishing the coherence of a text, as the mean distance between sentence vectors. We used two popular models from the literature: Latent Semantic Analysis and Word2Vec.For the syntactic modeling, we used an entity grid representation of the texts, which extracts syntactic patterns from the texts and relies on the assumption that coherent texts will have similar underlying syntactic patterns.To train the computational model which is in charge of assessing responses, we developed a rubric evaluating 2 different ítems: content and coherence (functional and referential). Both items are independent, thus two automated graders were trained.The contribution of this work is twofold: firstly, we develop a new methodology for free-text responses in which we assess student‘s texts by semantic content and coherence. Secondly, we develop an automated system for assessing student’s reading comprehension for Spanish Language using features that can be computed automatically. Experiments using experts’ annotated data show that the proposed system can provide useful feedback for students and that the assessments from the system correlate with the ones provided by a human.Moreover, our experiments show that we can get accuracies of 90% when assessing text content, and of 55% - 60% when assessing text coherence. With this model, we developed a web application in which a student provides a free text response from different prompts and the system provides automatic feedback which helps the student in improving his answer and thus, improving his ability to put ideas into text. After an intervention in Chilean schools consisting of a sample of 200+ students, we analyzed the coherence and content assessment from the tool. We computed correlations between the results and linguistics features from student texts. Results show that there is a significant correlation between discourse markers and average content and coherence scores. Now, if we consider separately the dimensions of the summary assessor, we found that several indices predict significantly the student's performance. In the case of summary content, indices explain nearly 20% of the variance in the data. In the case of coherence, the indices explain 33% of the variance in the data. Most of the indices are related to lexical properties and discourse markers of the text. Among the best predictors of coherence are closed class words, discourse markers signaling cause relationships, type-token ratios of adjectives, and syntactic overlap between verb synonyms across sentences.
Diego Palma, Christian Soto, Fernanda Rodriguez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Use of virtual social networks and social skills in university students from northern Peru.
The use of online social networks is giving rise to a line of research focused on the phenomenon of addiction that occurs due to the intense use of technologies and the Internet. The objective of the study was to determine the re-lationship between the use of virtual social networks and social skills in universi-ty students from northern Peru. The design was non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational. A survey was applied as a technique and the instruments were two questionnaires, the Test of addiction to the use of social networks-ARS and a Test scale of social skills-EHS. It was found that 71.7% of students showed a low level of obsession with the use of virtual social networks, 27.2% medium level, while 1.1% high level. Concluding that addiction to social net-works has a significant relationship with social skills; that is, the greater the use of social networks, the greater the development of social skills. Keywords: Addiction, college students, social skills, social media
Cynthia Milagros Apaza Panca, Polan Franbalt Ferro Gonzales, José Oscar Huanca Frías, Lucio Ticona Carrizales, María Gregoria Sánchez Prieto, Pedro Jesús Maquera Luque, Silverio Apaza Apaza
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Mangrove Parks as Alternative Urbanscapes in Desert Environments: Abu Dhabi as a Case Study
Mangroves in Abu Dhabi have allowed the creation of green coastlines and the development of bare land intrusions into appealing environments in desert landscapes. The Abu Dhabi coastline is currently being connected at the Eastern Mangroves on the main island of Abu Dhabi to newly urbanized islands such as Al Jubail Island via an extensive bridge that will cross Umm Lafina Island and vast mangrove landscapes. This is part of a broader plan to create connections to new urban islands to mainland Abu Dhabi such as Al Reem and Al Maryah islands through a series of bridges, roads, and related infrastructure. The most challenging aspect in Gulf state cities is creating green open spaces and parks due to the scarcity of water and extreme heat. Mangroves offer Abu Dhabi an alternative venue to connect urbanism and the environment because mangrove landscapes can be developed without the need for fresh water. Mangrove habitations are shaped by leisure and urban clusters, and have become destinations for expatriate communities to enjoy the view and watersports such as Kayaking. This research studies Mangrove waterfront landscapes in Abu Dhabi and new urban developments created in the Eastern Mangroves and Al-Jubail Island.
Mohamed El Amrousi, Mohamed Elhakeem, Evan Paleologos
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
ARunning: A Discussion on the Role of Augmented Reality-assisted Application in Amateur Runner Athletes
This research aims to explore and demonstrate the advantages of ARunning compared with traditional sports methods by studying the research status and development trend of augmented reality assisted sports applications, so as to realize the design and development of ARunning and enrich the form and development of ARunning. It also conducts usability testing and evaluation for the user experience, so as to realize the preliminary exploration on how AR can complement the practical application of sports psychology. In order to test the impact of ARunning on amateur runners' decision-making, experience during running, and feeling after running, we conducted live and online research on amateur runners. The results show that the popularization and application of this program will improve amateur athletes' exercise level to a certain extent and reduce their emotional burden, and it is likely to become the main motivation for users to participate in sports.
Jiayi Zhu, Xi Zheng, Xin He, Yu Yun
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design Guidelines for a Gamified Indigenous Knowledge System that Promotes Awareness of Water Resources Issues
Problem Description – The current water landscape in South Africa is in a state of crisis due to a severe water shortage. In 2018, Cape Town’s “day zero” became the focus of South Africa’s water crisis. This situation was unique in the country’s water sector and the causes of this water shortage were not – high water demand or inadequate water supply. South Africa heavily relies on its rainwater levels, which are unpredictable and decreasing because of global warming. The water shortage is further worsened by citizens’ unawareness of the water shortage situation and irresponsible water usage behaviour. The water shortages problem requires an understanding of water resource issues such as water usages and conservation. Water shortages are becoming increasingly common and raising awareness thereof has been proposed as a key strategy for empowering citizens with knowledge relevant to water resource issues.Research Goal – Under the theme of sustainability, The World Development Report of 1998/99 recognised knowledge as the key to sustainable social and economic development. This knowledge should incorporate indigenous knowledge, which is unique, trustworthy, and confined to a particular culture. This study aims to design an artefact, the Indigenous Knowledge System (IKS) to promote awareness of water resource issues. This IKS will be adopted and evaluated in a South African water resource context. Research Design – A consistent framework for research in IS is required to guide and guarantee significant progress in the development of an artefact. Significant progress of utilising Design Science Research (DSR) particularly in IS design research is widely adopted by researchers and practitioners. The strengths of DSR in the IS discipline are the rationale for selecting DSR as an appropriate research methodology for this paper. These strengths include employs a theoretical founded base to improve or promote knowledge; DSR tries to solve a real problem in which its solution is often conceptualised prior to designing and developing processes; and research is presented by formulated objectives and methods, whereby the objectives require a multi-methodological approach to artefact development.Research Limitations – Indigenous knowledge is an integral part of socio-economic development. However, the lack of documentation of this knowledge is the limitation of this study. Practical implications – An adoption of a social awareness mobile application of an IKS with features that informs, motivates and engages the end-users in water resource issues would provide an effective sound platform for sustainable water. Social implications – In principle, effective integration of indigenous knowledge within appropriate technologies would enhance knowledge sharing on social forums, promotes societal awareness, and ultimately improve behavioural change on water resource issues through shared social norms. Originality – While the topic of water management and sustainability is globally discussed, the role of appropriate technologies and incorporating indigenous knowledge within these technologies for promoting awareness of water resource issues is under-researched. This situation provides a significant research opportunity for exploration by sustainability researchers, to conduct their investigation on the effective role of appropriate technologies (gamification and social technologies) in designing an indigenous knowledge system that promotes awareness of water resource issues. Moreover, this design can provide useful guidelines to other researchers when developing knowledge management systems that support natural sustainability. Keywords – Awareness, Gamification, Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Water Resource Issues, Social technologies, Sustainability
Dumani Kunjuzwa, Brenda Scholtz, Ifeoluwapu Fashoro
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Effective deep learning through bidirectional reading on masked language model
Google BERT is a neural network that is good at natural language processing. It has two major strategies. One is “Masked Language Model” to clear the word-level relationships, and the other is “Next Sentence Prediction” to clear sentence-level relationships. In the Masked Language Model, with the task of masking some words in sentences, BERT learns to predict the original word from context. Some questions come to mind. Why BERT achieves effective learning by reading in two ways from fore and back? What is the difference between the bidirectional reading? In the Masked Language Model with the task of masking some words, the middle sentence is “I ate [mask] every morning”. First, predict the masked word by forward reading. The previous sentence is “Considering my health, I decided to change the breakfast menu”. What is asked in general? We usually think about which is more realistic and reach “an apple”. The answer is “feasibility”.Next, predict the masked word by backward reading, focusing on the middle sentence and the post sentence “A month later, I lost 3 kg and became healthy.” What is asked in general? In such a situation, we are looking for success factors. We usually think about which is more relevant and reach “an apple”. The answer is causality. Therefore, BERT is learning to predict feasibility by forward reading and causality by backward reading.Besides, the bidirectional reading technique can be applied to scenario planning using back-casting from the future. Scenario planning is making assumptions on what the future is going to be. A scenario can be described in two ways, one is fore-casting and the other is back-casting. Fore-casting means viewing from the present to the future. In general, back-casting means viewing from the present to the past. But in this paper, it means viewing from the future to the present. Just as there are two different predictions for bidirectional reading, there is a big difference between fore-casting into the future and back-casting from the future. How do you feel about the first scenario using fore-casting? You tend to focus on feasibility. Therefore, a long debate starts about the feasibility, such as “Is it possible?”, “Is it difficult?”, and “How to achieve?”.On the other hand, how do you feel about the second scenario using back-casting from the future to the present? This scenario has to be written in past mode because of back-casting. If it is written in past mode, you feel it has done and someone has resolved all the problems by that time. The surrounding words in past mode change your feeling from prediction to event context. You tend to focus on causal factors of success. You can escape from the long debate.Scenario planning using back-casting from the future to the present makes a good proposition, except for long discussions. Besides, in terms of the mystery of deep learning, each answer lies in human thinking mechanism because AI is created by imitating the human brain.
Hiroyuki Nishimoto
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
A Framework for the Evaluation of Machine Learning Algorithms based on Fuzzy AHP and VIKOR
Decision-makers consider various criteria, sub-criteria, alternatives, scores, and other parameters for choosing a tool. The problem is decision-making considering objectives that conflict with complex factors such as social, economic, political, technological, or environmental. It is not possible to make decisions based on a single criterion. The objective is to develop a framework for evaluating decisions based on fuzzy logic by hybridizing the fuzzy-AHP and VIKOR methods to select ML algorithms that increase these algorithms' effectiveness in specific problems. The methodology used in this proposal is oriented to exploratory research that allows to identify and define a problem or issue with a quantitative approach. This research resulted in a Decision Assessment Framework based on fuzzy logic and hybridization of methods AHP and VIKOR to select ML algorithms and validate the model obtained through the methods defined in the research. It was concluded that the proposed framework is a technique for determining the detailed evaluation of ML algorithms and resolving multicriteria decision-making; this approach is a tool that uses Fuzzy AHP in assigning weight to criteria, and these scores are processed with VIKOR in a multicriteria mode, and get an alternative/compromise solution, here the evaluation is scientific, fair, and rational.
Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez, Francisco Javier Poma Torres, Galo Enrique Valverde Landivar, Miguel Angel Quiroz Martinez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The Impact of ICT on The Virtual Education of Students of The Salesian Polytechnical University as A Challenge Due to The Pandemic
Despite the Covid-19 pandemic, Ecuadorian university institutions have started a new academic period in the virtual modality. The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of ICT in the virtual teaching of students of the Salesian Polytechnic University as a challenge due to the pandemic. A structured questionnaire with a Likert scale was used, applied to 5432 students. The questionnaire yielded high-reliability coefficients in the pilot test and the real stage of the study, α = 0.95 and α = 0.98 respectively. The results indicate that ICT has allowed students to carry out tasks, evaluations, and receive feedback from their teachers. However, the effectiveness of the virtual environment compared to the traditional environment is discussed. In conclusion, ICT applied in virtual education allows students to develop a rhythm of self-taught learning strategies, whose knowledge can be applied to solving tasks and evaluations.
Miguel Angel Quiroz Martinez, Cynthia Paola Torres Morales, Santiago Teodoro Castro Arias, Maikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Application of Artificial Intelligence Technology in Clothing Human Body Database
This article summarizes and analyzes the current situation of clothing human database technology and application of AI technology of the clothing human databases’ using, and looks ahead to the development trend of AI and clothing human body database in future. By means of literature searching, this article mainly investigates the Chinese clothing human body databases and makes analytical comparisons between the AI applied in the construction of clothing human body database, such as data mining and neural network, and database architecture. Within AI, the processing and management of data in the clothing human body databases and the function of size database-basing classification can be improved in the big data environment. Through the investigation and analysis of the clothing human body databases, the article concludes that the AI should be combined with clothing human body databases and new technology should be used to optimize and develop the databases in future.
Weilin Zu, Li Pan, Tong Yao, Yiran Gu, Hong Sun, Junru Wang, Jun Wang
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The View Switching Cost Analysis by the Visuo-auditory Dual-task Paradigm
View switching, for example different information density, type and magnitude, will cause additional switching cost between different scene. In this paper, the user interface of different information density will be used to explore the additional switching cost between different view transition through the dual-task paradigm. We use visual-auditory task to observe the interactive effect between the two tasks. Subjects need to do the searching and counting task in visual scene and do auditory task response in the meantime. We find that 1) view switching (information density) will generate additional switching cost from the scene of low information density to high information density by analyzing the visual task performance; 2) the mutual effect is obvious when subjects do the visual and auditory task at the same time that visual searching and counting task will expend more cognitive resources than auditory response task as the dual-task goes on.
Dongxin Fuchen, Ningyue Peng, Haiyan Wang, Yafeng Niu, Chengqi Xue
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Comparison of Blockly vs Arduino IDE for programming education using M5Stack Core2 ESP32 IoT Development Kit
STEAM education promotes programming at all levels of training, being block programming a compatible alternative, including the development of applications with hardware. This paper presents a comparison between Blockly and Arduino IDE in programming the M5Core2 Core2 ESP32 IoT Development Kit for educational purposes. For the study, a program is designed that allows students to read, view a send the data of the inertial sensor integrated in the device. The programming in Blockly is carried out in the UIFLOW application developed for the M5stack cards and the program in Arduino IDE is carried out by installing the necessary libraries for compatibility with this device. The program is evaluated by students of computer science engineering using both programming languages, the participants must answer an acceptance test at the end of the sessions to measure the level of satisfaction with learning. The results show the implementation times of the programs and the scores obtained, determining faster times in the case of Blockly programming and a better acceptance rate that demonstrates the advantages of using this language in programming education.
Mario Miranda, José Varela-Aldás, Guillermo Palacios-Navarro
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design computer application for memory rehabilitation using the method of Loci
Memory rehabilitation involves the processes of memory assessment and training. Nowadays, with the help of technology, customized applications can be designed, but they require an efficient prior design. This paper presents the design of an application for memory rehabilitation using the method of Loci. In the development of the methodology three stages are included, where the first phase contemplates the design of breathing exercises that relax the patient and promote the use of imagination. In the second stage, two cognitive exercise activities are designed, one with element matching and the other with the assignment of elements in four places in a home. The last stage is for evaluation and measures the user's performance, using response times and scores obtained as metrics. The application is designed through screens at different levels, orienting the system to be implemented on a computer, but without limiting the implementation to other types of devices. The results show the final design sketches, evidencing the characteristics of the proposed application. Finally, the proposed design is analyzed concerning recent literature, concluding with its advantages and disadvantages.
Doris Perez, José Varela-Aldás, Jorge Buele, Guillermo Palacios-Navarro
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Data container for autonomous cars
In the future, autonomous cars will become commonplace. However, they require the development of complex software. Therefore, our research focused on developing a multimedia container structure containing three types of images: RGB, Lidar and infrared, calibrated adequately against each other. An additional goal is to establish libraries of programs for creating, saving and saving these types of files. It will also be necessary to develop a method for synchronising data from Lidar, RGB and infrared cameras. This type of file could be used in autonomous vehicles, facilitating data processing by the intelligent autonomous vehicle management system and providing the driver with valuable information.
Janusz Bobulski, Mariusz Kubanek, Joanna Kulawik, Sabina Szymoniak
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Improvement and Research of Symmetry Quantization Algorithm for Abstract Black and White Images
To scientifically quantify the overall symmetry of the image and assist the designer in design, the objectivity and accuracy of the algorithm for quantifying symmetry proposed by Michael Bauerly are verified through experiments, and the algorithm proposed by Michael Bauerly is improved and verified with reference to the beauty calculation formula proposed by Ngo and others. It is verified that the improved algorithm can make the value obtained from the quantized image symmetry more consistent with the judgment of human eyes, which is helpful to assist designers in the design.
Renjie Dai, Xiaojun Liu
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Model based on Lean Service to optimize the level of service in a Peruvian MYPE importer and marketer of medical equipment
The low level of service is a problem that affects MYPEs from various sec-tors in Latin America, revealing the existing technical gap compared to other developed countries. This causes various losses that affect profit and increase operating costs. That is why this study analyzes the level of service of the corrective maintenance process of a medical equipment marketer MYPE, currently being 64.4%. It was detected that it was at non-conforming levels due to reprocesses and delays within the corrective maintenance process. Based on the results of the analysis, the application of a continuous improvement model was proposed, based on Lean tools and Inventory Management principles, being validated by a pilot test. Within the final measure-ments, a considerable reduction of the aforementioned problems was obtained, generating an increase in the level of service up to 90%.
Juan Penafiel, Allison Urbina-Tapia, Vanessa Acevedo-Quiroz, Gino Viacava
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Total Productive Maintenance Model applying SMED and FMEA to increase the overall efficiency of equipment (OEE) in the food sector
In the manufacturing sector, the Lean philosophy is well known for proposing the reduction of waste within the industry, which is manifested in terms of downtime within companies. In a sector of large proportions such as mass consumption food, the reduction of these losses translates into significant savings in the business economy, so key indicators, such as the OEE, are used to evaluate the efficiency of the process in terms of quality, performance and availability. Within this context, this article presents an application model of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), using FMEA for the diagnosis and SMED for the optimization of the results, within its structure; which was validated through a pilot test, achieving an increase of 5.17% in the OEE of the sauce production line of the company in the case study, demonstrating the effectiveness of the model within contexts whose losses lie in prolonged machine downtime.
Ernesto Altamirano, Karen Caballero-Rojas, Oscar Palacios-Aguilar
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Model based on SLP and work study to increase productivity in a bakery SME in Peru
During the last decade, SMEs of bakery products in Peru have presented high production costs due to the empiricism in carrying out activities generating times that do not add value to the process, which directly influence low productivity. Furthermore, this sector has potential growth that must be exploited using innovative methods to achieve greater competitiveness. Furthermore, there is little evidence in the scenario of bakery SMEs that seek to reduce travel times in the process and improve methods in the production ar-ea. This article presents a model that integrates the SLP methodology and work study with the aim of increasing productivity in a bakery SME by optimizing the resources used and generating significant cost savings. The model was validated in a Peruvian bakery, where productivity was improved from 1.22 to 1.45.
Percy Castro, Diana Cadillo-Hidalgo, Yassef Yacub-Sotelo, Edgar Ramos
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Inventory planning and management model to increase the level of service in a telecommunications product distribution company
Telecommunications product distribution companies have begun to have a low level of service with their clients due to lack of stock and lost sales, these represent 54.13% of the total problems that distributors have. Inventory control plays an important role, since it gives us, in advance, generate an order and the quantity of the product. The objective is to increase the service level of a distribution company, which has the same problems mentioned initially, therefore, inventory management and planning will be implemented focusing on the ABC multicriteria, Forecast in relation to the level of service and EOQ with variable demand to minimize unfinished and / or rejected sales and reduce excess inventory. The research study wants a service level scope of 86.72% by 2019 and 98.31% by 2020.
Rosa Salas, Diego Esquivel-Alvarez, Cesar Postigo-Sanchez, Edgar Ramos
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Lean model implemented in a textile MYPE for order fulfillment: Case of Peru
The objective of this research is to develop a model with lean tools and supplier management to reduce non-fulfillment of orders for a Gamarra textile MYPE dedicated to the production of jean garments. The contribution of this research is to develop a model that combines Lean Manufacturing tools, such as Poka Yoke, VSM and Kaizen, with Supplier Management, considering the commitment of workers as the key to its implementation. This will allow to easily identify those activities that do not generate value and that are not necessary in the current production chain of the company. The company's current non-compliance indicator is 41%, which is expected to be a reduc-tion to 10% of the non-compliance percentage, taking as a reference the indicator of the textile sector in Guayaquil.
Rosa Salas, Claudia Gallardo-Flores, Percy Ramos-Baños, Edgar Ramos
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design of a new plant to optimize the production capacity of a MYPE, based on the principles of Systematic Layout Planning, 5s and Project Management
The case study presented analyzes the operations of a Peruvian MYPE in the plastics sector. Based on a diagnosis, a deficit in its production capacity was identified with representative costs equivalent to 9% of its annual turnover, derived from the lack of machines and inefficiencies, which even being solved would not allow to satisfy the demand, so confirmed that the company's decision was correct. In this way, a project was proposed that would allow the design of the new facilities of the company in a larger premises, with the aim of optimizing its production capacity and preventing the bad practices detected at present from being repeated, validating their viability through a virtual prototype. Likewise, based on the calculations, it would be possible to increase the installed capacity by 53.5%, exceeding the projected demand within three years by 24.90%, which would allow greater organizational growth in the future.
Juan Penafiel, Estefani Mau-Dongo, Erick Merino-Zavaleta, Gino Viacava
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Biomaterials and Technologies for Sustainability
The research designs and developed a biofertilizer from Mycorrhiza and Rhizobium evaluating its antagonistic capacity and biotization in the cultiva- tion of vegetables with a DCA, the sample considers potatoes, peas and barley in the District of Huasahuasi, with 9 treatments in three formulas, considering a control group without inoculation and two repetitions. As a result, the optimal formula is obtained with 300g of mycorrhiza and Rhizobium strains + 500g of black soil + 200g of potato peel bran, which has an effective antagonistic capacity of 100% in pea crops, 90% in the barley and 85% in the potato, besides that it achieves a biotization in the pea crop of 95%, in the barley 100% and in the potato 90%.
Heyul Chavez, Henry Juan Javier Ninahuaman, W. Cochachi Poma, Grimaldo Quispe, Luis Rivera, Francisco Dominguez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design of an exoskeleton to prevent and to take care of the spinal column of injuries of low back pain
Inside Peru and the world, the bigger bordering the force is by the muscles of the human beings to accomplish physical tasks, and the failure of these can cause a damage neuromuscular and articulations. The principal objective of the fact-finding work becomes of Designing an exoskeleton for the prevention of injuries to the spinal column of the workers, to give solution and it improves of the lumbar unmade problem a lot of effort. The Design of a lumbar, detachable exoskele-ton with easy maintenance and manufacture are shown, with the characteristics principal stop to comfortability of the worker without causing pain neither discomfort.
Heyul Chavez, Jean Luna-Ramirez, Guersom Quispealaya-Lazo, Madai Taype-Mateo, Grimaldo Quispe, Luis Rivera, Francisco Dominguez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Home automation control system design with switches that prevents physical contact
Security is an important human need for peace of mind when seeing their possessions safeguarded. This research project consists of the design of a mechanism that is capable of initially controlling a luminaire, opening and closing a curtain and the locking and unlocking of a room door. The general objective is to design a robust, reliable and intuitive mechanism when making use of it and that is capable of increasing the security and biosecurity of any enclosure that is to be protected.
Heyul Chavez, Wilfredo Ramirez, Grimaldo Quispe, Omar Alvarez, Luis Rivera
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design and modeling of a maca leaf cutter and classifier machine for the Junin region
In the high Andean areas of Junín in Peru, maca (a tuber typical of Peru) and maca flour are produced. At the end of the harvest, farmers have the hard work of removing the root and stalks of the remaining maca. Faced with this problem, the "stalk cutting and maca sorting machine" was designed, a machine proposed when analyzing the difficulty of cleaning the maca after harvest, then it must be dried and processed. This proposed machine will save time and increase produc-tion. In the traditional way (manual), farmers clean 4 kg of maca in 2 to 3 minutes, however, with the proposed machine 6.67 kg of maca will be cleaned in 3 minutes. In addition, a heat treatment will be developed on the copper surface that will have contact with the tuber, for the elimination of bacteria and viruses such as COVID-19.
Heyul Chavez, Marvin Curiñaupa-Alvarez, Grimaldo Quispe, Luis Rivera, Francisco Dominguez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Effectiveness of Permit to Work Systems Narrative
The main purpose of this paper is to review the effectiveness of Permit to Work (PTW) systems within current academic literature and build an understanding of what recommendations can be implemented to establish a PTW system that conclusively manages the risk and hazards that people undertaking high risk and non-routine work are exposed to. PTW is a control system that is used to assess and manage the hazards associated mostly with high risk work, such as work at height, hot work, electrical work or confined spaces as well as non-routine work. Failure of the PTW system can have catastrophic consequences as seen in the Piper Alpha oil platform explosion where 167 people were killed, the Longford Gas release and explosion where two people were killed and the Phillips Chemical Company fire at Pasadena where there were 23 fatalities. For this article the search terms ‘Permit to Work’, ‘Permit-to-Work’, ‘Hot Work Permits’ were used to retrieve journal articles on PTW systems from the University of Newcastle’s library database. Two further criteria were applied - firstly, the article must be published after 1990 allowing for the last 30 years of major incidents to be captured, and secondly, any article that was attempting to sell a particular product was excluded as these articles were not reviewing PTW systems or major incidents causes but rather the effectiveness of their own products.In every system there are strengths and weaknesses. In reviewing the literature on PTW systems, five key weaknesses were identified: inadequate training, deficiencies of paper based PTW systems, failure of effective handover at shift change, weak leadership commitment to the PTW system and inadequate auditing scheduling and techniques. Effective PTW systems are not an unachievable goal for business. It will be demonstrated through this review, a PTW system that considers the five key deficiencies discussed and overcomes these, can be an effective PTW system. A business with leadership that drives a culture of safety as number one, can implement and gain adherence to an effective PTW system. Regular and comprehensive auditing of the PTW system including the training of personnel who use the system will enlighten the business on where there is room for improvement. A PTW system must have a comprehensive handover procedure between shifts. If there is capacity to implement an electronic PTW system then this is preferable to a paper based system as long as it is customisable and covers all the requirements of a what is considered as a robust PTW system including: the authorised personnel, limitations of each permit, hazards and precautions identified through risk assessment, the permit’s validity time frame, handover and closure. In this review, it will be demonstrated that a PTW system that considers the five key deficiencies and overcomes these can be an effective PTW system.
Heather Amm
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
How to Enhance Safety Rules through Human Error and Behavioural Control Strategies
This article reviewed how to enhance safety rules through human error and behavioural control strategies. To understand what strategies could be applied safety rules, types of safety rules, safety violations, organisational factors, and behavioural types were explored. To complete this article twelve peer-reviewed articles and three statistical data sets were used based on the Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) industry. The importance of safety is undisputed and the need for a holistic approach to enhance safety rules through human error and behavioural control strategies is required. Five key strategies to enhance safety rules through human error and behavioural control strategies include 1. Reducing the number and complexity of safety rules, 2. Consultation, 3. Data Banks, 4. Feedback 5. Proactive and Positive Leadership.
Kristina Misevska
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Design of a low-cost digital spirometer for remote monitoring of COPD and COVID patients
This research presents the proposal for a low-cost digital spirometer called “Phukuy” that includes the following sensors: an oximeter that measures the per-centage of oxygenation of the blood (SpO2) and the heart rate (bpm), a body and environmental thermometer, and a barometer. This spirometer will serve for the diagnosis and remote monitoring of people with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) including COVID; benefiting people who do not have a near-by health center; This will help decongest hospitals and prevent them from be-coming an infectious source. In addition, all the information obtained from the measurements will be saved on a web platform, which can be accessed by a des-ignated doctor. The proposed spirometer was validated with a 3-liter calibration syringe, obtaining an average error of 0.033 L (1.1%) and a maximum error of 0.070 L (2.33%), which is within the range recommended by SEPAR (± 3 %).
Heyul Chavez, Julio Ronceros, Sergio Salas, Gianpierre Zapata, Carlos Raymundo, Jose Alvarez, Miguel Lara, Anthony De-La-Cruz, Wilmer Silva, Carlos Herrera, Nestor Mamani, Jorge Inche
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Influence of work incentives on the normative commitment of financial personnel of municipal savings banks
The main objective of this research is to determine the Influence of work incentives on the regulatory commitment of financial personnel of rural municipal banks. The study contemplates a quantitative approach, ex post facto design, cross-sectional and explanatory level, with a convenience sample of 94 employees. The variable "work incentives" is made up of 7 items and the normative commitment with 6 items; making a total of 13 items and analyzed in the SmartPLS (v.3.3.2). Regarding the determination of the influence of incentives on normative commitment, an effect of 0.556 ** was identified, with a level of significance (p ≤ 0.05). Finally, it is stated that work incentives positively influence the regulatory committee of finance personnel.
Elva Castaneda, Jeferson Ccorisapra, Joaquin Machaca, Grimaldo Quispe, Heyul Chavez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Implementation of Lean Manufacturing in the company dedicated to the production of grains
The following investigation shows the problems in “Industria Granero del Centro EIRL”, it is a company that is dedicated to the production of grains such as split bean, split wheat, american morón and corn flour. The goal is to improve the production planning and scheduling system, and eliminate overproduction and economic losses. VSM (Value Stream Mapping) was used to identify the improvement in the production process. The root causes of the problem were then determined using the Ishikawa diagram. The activities to be carried out are: identification of times of each process of the evaluated product, carry out the implementation of the master production plan, application of Kanban and application of Heijunka for load balancing [1]. The results of this implementation will be visualized through a simulation making use of efficiency, effectiveness and productivity indicators to meet the objective.
Elva Castaneda, Thays Arotoma, Grimaldo Quispe, Heyul Chavez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The Safewards model and behaviour control on the reduction of conflict and containment in Psychiatric units
Patient safety is crucial in healthcare, as well as staff safety, violence and aggression are considered as the on-going issues regarding Work Health and Safety practice across healthcare industry. Many mental healthcare workers have faced violence, aggression and injury while attending care for patients. Conflict includes aggression, medication refusal, absconding and containment which staff use methodological interventions to prevent harm to patients and staff. This systematic review aims to explore the concepts of the Safewards model, and the effect of therapeutic interventions can reduce conflict and containment in Mental Health facility. Safewards model is a contemporary safety approach that has proved to improve safety for staff and patients in psychiatric units. The strategies and interventions depend on the patient’s conditions and staff skills to promote safety. The important aspect of reduced aggression is the appropriate use of interventions which depend on the way staff approach and interact with patients.
Linda Mai
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Physical Activity of Brazilian Adults with Visual Impairment: A Descriptive Study
Physical activity (PA) contributes to a healthy lifestyle, while physical inactivity can be considered a public health concern, especially among adults living with a disability. This study set out to investigate the PA levels of Brazilian adults with visual impairments. Findings suggest that most of the participants met the WHO recommendation and, therefore, were considered physically active. Older adults and adults with obesity had lower levels of moderate-intensity PA. Adults with total blindness had lower levels of moderate PA than adults with partial blindness and low vision. In addition, household chores were responsible for the higher levels of moderate-intensity PA among women.
Aline Santos, Ana Ferrari, Fausto Medola, Anselmo Frizera, Frode Sandnes
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Corporate Governance Model for Customs Agency in accordance with Federal Customs Law Article 167-D in Mexico
Customs agencies operate under the protection of a customs agent patent with a natural person, and there is an amendment to the Customs Law published in the Official Gazette of the Federation on June 25, 2018, establishing the model of a customs agency so that it can operate under the concept of "customs agency patent", conceptualized as a legal entity. Objectives: The definition of the Customs Agency in the second article of the Customs Law, as: "Customs agency, legal entity authorized in terms of article 167-D, to promote the customs clearance of goods for third parties in different customs regimes provided in this Law ”Results: The Customs Agent is defined in section XXI of the second article itself as:“ XXI. Customs agent: natural person authorized in terms of article 159 of this Law by means of a patent, to promote the customs clearance of merchandise on a third-party basis.Keywords: Customs Patent, Customs Agency, Customs Broker. The Mexican regulations published in the Official Gazette of the Federation, on the operation of the customs agent, has generated a reflection and concern about the possibility that no customs agency, continue to dispatch its operations, under the figure of a customs agency patent, if it does not comply with what is established in the scheme offered by the figure of the customs agency patent incorporated in the Federal Customs Law (DOF, 2018). Therefore, it is necessary to seriously consider obtaining the company's patent to incorporate elements of operational validity.
Jorge Vicente Villa Garcia, Rodolfo Martinez Gutierrez
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Effect of Balance and Symmetry on web aesthetic: Computational modeling and experimental investigation
In order to objectively evaluate the beauty of webpage colors, balance and symmetry are selected as rating indicators, using HSV color model to quanti-fy the evaluation through the principle of visual weight, and the main inter-face of the search engine is used as an example to verify the calculation model of the beauty of the color layout. In the experiment, 10 subjects eval-uate the stimulus pictures, which verified the rationality of the computation model.
Yuqi Wang, Lei Zhou
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Understanding Harmful Blue Light in a group of Thai People
Blue light is harmful to health in the long term and exposure. Therefore, knowing about the dangers from the Blue light is the prevention of hazards that might occur. This research aims to study the dangers of blue light and how it harms people by using electronic devices as well as to assess the level of knowledge about usage and dangers of blue light. Moreover, the producer team provides corrective recommendations direction for everyone. The research team studies the behavior of using electronic devices and collecting data by using a questionnaire. The target population is 150 peoples. The questionnaire consists of four parts: Personal information, Evaluation form of knowledge about the dangers of blue light and how they prevent it. According to data analysis, the majority of the sample is knowledgeable about blue light. In the second part of the questionnaire: how they prevent the blue light danger. For the third part of the questionnaire, we found that our sample group in every age range clearly understand in good level the knowledge that we gave via the infographics and for the last part of our questionnaire we found that people in 18-30 years old are most damaged by blue light more than 30 years old and less than 18 years old respectively. If the people do not protect their eyes to have good eyes health enough, would be very regretful that they might have to wear glasses or have blurred vision for a long time or in the worst case they might lose their vision. Therefore, the producer team hopes that this research will make everyone interested and take care of their eyes health as much as they can to decreasing the risk which can cause a bad situation.
Manutchanok Jongprasithporn, Nantakrit Yodpijit, Thanaporn Nunthawarasilp, Nopphavee Treekanjanothai
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Analysis and Prevention of Office Syndrome of people in Thailand
Office syndrome is dangerous in long-term health such as headache, soreness around the eyes, neckache, dizziness, chronic muscle pain, numbness in wrists or feet. In severe cases, it may cause the muscles to contract and hold tight. Therefore, understanding the cause can prevent the danger of this illness. The objectives of this research are to study the behaviors causing office syndrome, test the basic knowledge about the illness and inform useful information that can help people with office syndrome. Sample groups are 312 people in the age range of 20-40 years using an online questionnaire as a tool for data collection. The questionnaire includes 3 sections which are questions asked about personal data of respondents, the risk of office syndrome in each person, and basic knowledge of the illness. The results show that most of the research participants are female, age between 20-27 years old, study for Bachelor’s degree and work 5-8 hours a day. For the section 2 results, respondents incline to risk from office syndrome with the number of 244 people who have back pain during the day and only 83 people received training in this illness and there are 183 people aware of the sickness. In the last section asked the general knowledge, we found that respondents have well-knowledged in office syndrome but there is some misunderstanding about the symptoms of the illness so respondents still need to study more and their company or school should provide quality equipment in the workplace to reduce the risk form office syndrome and create good habits to all employees and students.
Manutchanok Jongprasithporn, Nantakrit Yodpijit, Peemapol Panichtamrong, Narawit Ratanajarusiri
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Modeling and Explanation of Driver Steering Style: An Experiment under Large-Curvature Road Condition
Before the maturation of vehicle’s self-driving, human-vehicle shared control would be a dominant solution in a certain period. Understanding driver’s maneuver behavior is an important prerequisite for providing drivers with different levels of assistance in the collaborative driving system. This research aims to classify the characteristics of drivers’ maneuver modes and establish a general model of driver steering styles.Firstly, an experiment is designed to collect the behavioral data under a certain circumstance of the drivers. As driving simulating has significant advantages over the real vehicle, for instance, the replicability and stability of the testing scene, this experiment is conducted on a driving simulator platform with six degrees of freedom (6-DOF). 38 participants (21 males, 17 females) with different personalities and driving experiences are required to drive through a U-shaped testing scene. Meanwhile, data such as velocities, lateral deviations, and steering wheel torques are recorded at a frequency of 60Hz. Secondly, in the data processing part, the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is utilized to extract key features from original data, aiming to reduce redundancy between steering characteristics. Two principal components are calculated to represent the original features. And then, determining the clustering number as three by both Elbow Method and Silhouette Coefficient, three types of driving styles are classified by the K-means cluster. Finally, after the explanation based on the corresponding original data of lateral deviations, steering wheel torques, and its change rate, the drivers’ proficiencies and path tracking abilities are compared, and the three styles are defined as moderate, radical, and conservative types. In the result analyzing, the driver’s path tracking ability is reflected by smaller lateral deviation, a middle steering wheel torque represents higher proficiency, and the change rate of the torque can show the extent of radicalness. The results show that the moderate driver type has high proficiency in vehicle control, who has more direction adjustments and strong path tracking accuracy. The radical type drivers also manipulate the steering wheel a lot, but their routes have relatively violent fluctuations. While the conservative drivers operate the steering wheel carefully, which displays their lack of driving adeptness.This study identifies the specific characteristics of drivers’ steering behaviors and obtains the parametric boundary of driving styles. In further work, the results can be used as a design basis for customizing shared steering controllers for different driver types in collaborative driving. After identifying the driving style by measuring certain steering indexes, a personalized co-drive mode can be confirmed, which makes the driver feel “the vehicle drives like him/herself”, then the human-vehicle trust and driving experience can be greatly improved.
Puheng Shao, Zhenwu Fang, Jinxiang Wang, Zhongsheng Lin, Yin Guodong
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
The Sоcio-Cultural and Economic Aspects of Tourism in Ukraine
Tourism is one of the key factors in the development of the national economy. It has been one of the most dynamic business areas in the whole world, which determines the specific approaches to public administration in this industry. On one hand, tourism has transformed from a complementary factor facilitating the increase of potentials of national economies into a powerful system being an independent source of economic growth. On the other hand, the socio-economic development of the state depends on the preservation of cultural objects, infrastructure, and the main thing - on the preservation of the public and cultural objects for future generations. That’s why the effects of tourism development are far more complex than policy-makers usually suggest. Researchers argue that improvements in the tourism industry’s management organization can be achieved through the use of automated management systems and computer technologies with quality of service, enhancing productivity and speed of tourist service. However, the issue of public administration of the tourism industry in the field of socio-economic and cultural development has not been sufficiently studied, thus forming the need for this study. The aim of the article is to assess the role of the socio-cultural aspect in tourism as the main tool for the development of the tourism industry. For modeling the indicators of tourism activity, the formula of the correlation coefficient (Pearson’s coefficient) has been used. Using a regression multifactor model of financing tourism, the authors made a comprehensive assessment of the impact of factors on the amount of funding and forecasted the number of financial resources at the optimal value of tourist services and tourist flows in Ukraine. The correlation-regression model shows that the calculated coefficient of correlation between the number of foreign tourists and the number of domestic tourists is estimated at 0.92 (coefficient of determination R2=0.841325), which means that the relationship is close and the obtained indicators of the model are valid. The authors calculate the number of tourists for the future - for 2020-2025. The exponential function shows that the estimated number of tourists for 2020 is 181.5 thousand people. Thus, there will be a decrease in the number of tourists. The reason is the unstable political, economic, and military situation in Ukraine, as well as the pandemic and spread of the virus COVID-19. However, starting from 2021, the number of tourists coming to Ukraine will increase up to the 2019 level, and in the future will grow to 550 thous. persons. In parallel with the growth of tourism worldwide, consumer demand and expectations for quality have been rising, while consumer tastes are varying, on the one hand, and competition among the firms, both internationally and nationally, is intensifying, on the other. In such a business environment of high consumer expectations, distinct market segments that demand unique services and products, and stiff competition, the tourism organizations have been looking for ways to expand the service quality, competition, and performance, and to satisfy customers’ needs and expectations.
Alina Yakymchuk, Oleksandr Halachenko, Inna Irtyshcheva, Maksym Maksymchuk, Kateryna Blishchuk, Olena Bilinska, Orystlava Sydorchuk, Yevheniya Boiko, Iryna Hryhoruk, Nazariy Popadynets
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Multimedia tool for the treatment of dyslexia and dyscalculia
Specific learning disorders constitute a varied group of alterations or difficulties that can cause problems not only at school, but throughout life. These disorders can be evidenced, in the first years of schooling, when children present problems in reading, writing and numerical reasoning.Once the diagnosis is established, the experts develop treatments that generally require specialized teaching materials that, due to the technological gap, are often scarce, expensive and difficult to access, especially in developing countries. This study is based on the analysis of the skills that children with learning disorders have in front of the computer, with this information the tool GARABATO which in English means scribble. was conceptualized and developed. It is a multimedia tool developed in Unity that offers the possibility that children and therapists can develop exercises as part of the treatment of dyslexia and dyscalculia, using drawing as a developmental catalyst. This paper describes the tool design process, its development and implementation; In addition, it offers a comparison of results with other teaching materials, measuring the progress of children in specific areas and competencies that are part of the treatment.
Daniel Ripalda, Mario Piedra, Miguel Cobos
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
“IT’S MY WAY OR THE HIGHWAY”; Location Markup Prompts and Interaction Caveats in VR
The use of augmented or virtual reality (AR/VR) wearables is becoming popular in command-and-control tasks such as location markup on a virtual map for remote training or collaboration purposes. Studies in this domain capitalize personalization through unique technological features to improve the situation awareness and performance of users, without probing onto the information requirements for functions such as markup that must be consistently presented across technologies and users’ abilities. We aim to characterize and visualize location markup interactions in VR by proposing a systematic perspective to code and formulate mission prompts and identify variables that may contribute to the operator’s credible task execution. We find that future research needs to focus on developing universal multimodal communication conventions so that they can be consistently used in virtual or real environments. This can in turn have a significant contribution to the users’ appropriate skill training and error prevention.
Bahar Memarian*, Christos Koulas, Brian Fisher
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
A Modular Structure to Explore the Interface Design and Interaction Testing Process of Teams
Interface design and interaction testing is not a completely robust or scientific process. Rather, it is an artful, iterative, social process regulated by inter- or multi-disciplinary design teams. Lamentably, the design trajectory and iterations are often left out or partially communicated in the description of a published design. We offer display design considerations considering AI and propose a modular structure for the interface design and interaction testing process of teams. The key feature of the structure is that it considers display design and display interaction testing and general experimental design and enables teams to transparently communicate how they start, traverse, and end their design cycles. The system can be accessed via an established Industrial Engineering Society on the world wide web. Such a structure would enable studying where innovation and failure happen through iterations of steps taken by different design teams. Subsequently, the information can be used to enrich future research.
Bahar Memarian*, Christos Koulas, Brian Fisher
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Sustainable Design of Biomaterials
A study is being carried out of sustainable design of biomaterials for future life. Plentiful examples from many different fields, such as products, architecture, installations as well as fashion were collected. This paper introduces several newly design works that can enlighten us for future sustainable design in this fields. At the same time, the materials and related processing methods of sustainable design were summarized and a research scheme towards sustainable design by using Biomaterials for fashion was established as well.
Wen Wang
Open Access
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