Anticipated User Experience Evaluation of Game Controller Designs

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Serefraz AkyamanEkrem Cem Alppay

Abstract: Input and output components in interactive video game systems are im-portant, especially when it comes to interaction style and experience. In par-ticular, as a primary component of the user-interface control devices espe-cially in interactive product systems that allow us to play are directly defini-tive in interaction and diverse in terms of form and functionality. Product features are considered important because they influence the UX. Therefore, two-phased study conducted in our study to review controllers from product design perspective with a certain game type and various controllers for better understanding effects of product features on anticipated user/player experi-ence. Based on the existing AUX framework, we designed and implemented surveys to measure the expectation and evaluation of design features. As a result of the implementation, we obtained results that are consistent with the existing framework and easier to interpret and associate with AUX.

Keywords: Game Control Design, User-Experience, Naturally Mapped Control Interfaces.

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001113

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