Considering the need for new aspects in route planners
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Diogo Abrantes, Marta Maria Campos Ferreira, Paulo Costa, Soraia Felicio, Joana Hora, Camila Dangelo, Jorge Silva, Maria Teresa Galvão Dias, Miguel Coimbra
Abstract: The rising number of people living in city centers is connected to an increase of private vehicles, traffic, and associated harmful effects. Efforts have been made to promote a modal shift to the use of more sustainable transportation means, such as walking and cycling, but several factors hinged to safety, comfort, and accessibility, still hinder this goal. Current route planners often focus on two particular dimensions, time and distance, which might not be enough to support other personal perceptions. We need to consider new aspects and different dimensions, such as air quality, noise levels, or people density, fueled by the recent advances in the area of sensorization and the Internet of Things. We tested the idea of an innovative route planner with surveys and focus groups and concluded that there is an interest for more power to customize personal routes, which could be a key element boosting soft mode mobility.
Keywords: Route Planners, Smart Cities, Soft Modes, Usability, User Requirements
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001122
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