Improvement of the English III Training Project, Through Training Action Research from Socioformation

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Cesar GuevaraLorena EspinosaRoilys Suarez

Abstract: Many are the educational models and approaches that have been used throughout decades in the world. These have had their variations and changes such as evolution and epistemology of educational processes. Despite this, many times teaching continues under traditional models that do not open the full development of students and do not favor sustainable social development in general. Applying the methodology of training projects from socioformation favors key goals such as forming and consolidating the ethical life project, having entrepreneurship, developing the necessary skills to face the challenges of the context, and working collaboratively. On the other hand, it consists on a strategy in which articulated activities are proposed in order to solve challenges or problems of the context, favoring the communities or areas where it is applied. And it is applied from the socioformation since it is a new approach based on the ethical project of life, entrepreneurship, the development of skills and collaborative work. In this way, the problems to be solved through the training projects would be significant for the students, since it makes them feel active entities in the process, and in turn, useful to the society where they develop as individuals. For this reason, the application of training projects is proposed from socioformation in education, especially at the university level. When applying the research, the deficient planning of the training project from the socio-formative model of the Indoamérica Technological University could be detected as a problem. The purpose is to present an improvement in the planning of a training project in the area of English. The applied methodology is the analysis of a training project from the socioformation, with the aim of improving the planning processes following certain educational references such as trans disciplinarity, collaborative work, the rubric, and the final product, contributing to the solution of a real problem of the context. Results were obtained such as the evaluation of the didactic planning practice of the training project, achievements and aspects to be improved were identified and on that basis a new planning of the project was proposed from the socioformation. It was possible to verify as conclusions that the methodology proposed from the socioformation to develop the didactic planning in the training project presents very positive aspects, since the activities are articulated to achieve a desired end as a final product. In addition, students learn in a contextualized way, solving environmental challenges, contributing to sustainable social development.

Keywords: Socioformation, Training Project, Final Product, Improvements

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001133

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