Influence of Brightness and Saturation of the Background Color of the Computer Icons on the Matching Color Aesthetics
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Kexin Lu, Lei Zhou, Chengqi Xue
Abstract: This article mainly explores the influence of the brightness and saturation of the background color of the computer icons on the matching color aesthetic. The color of an icon has a crucial effect on its aesthetics. In this study, a total of 72 icons were experimentally evaluated. The experimental results are compared with the conclusions of the matching color aesthetic calculation model. Finally, from this pilot study, we can receive a conclusion that the saturation of the background color has a certain effect on the matching color aesthetic of the icon. However, due to the discrepancy between the results of the brightness experiment and the conclusions of the model, the effect of the brightness on the matching color aesthetic of the icon still needs further research and exploration. Besides, the experimental results show that changes in the shape of the logo in the icon will also have an impact on the evaluation of the aesthetic.
Keywords: Icon, Background Color, Lightness, Purity, Matching Color Aesthetic, Experimental Evaluation, Matching Color Aesthetic Calculation Model
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001136
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