Gamification in the Teaching-Learning Process for Initial Education Children

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Mireya Zapata RodríguezSilvia Cajamarca

Abstract: The main objective of this research is to carry out an analysis of the impact of this didactic strategy in the teaching-learning process through a quasi-experimental study and a comparative analysis in initial education students, aimed at generating an innovative proposal for the educational field The present investigation began with the application of a pretest, to determine the knowledge before the intervention with the gamification tool designed for mobile devices. After the intervention, a post-test was applied to both control and experimental groups. The result was that the experimental group achieved better results compared to the control group. Finally, it is concluded that the learning obtained when working with a technological tool is significant, as part of a didactic strategy.

Keywords: Early Education, Gamification, Learning Methodologies

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001137

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