OHS Management Skill Development and Continuing Learning

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Sari Tappura

Abstract: Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management focuses on employee safety and health; OHS legislation establishes the requirements for OHS management competencies. This study aims to identify measures for developing OHS management skills during a management career to support managers’ competence development and continuing learning. A qualitative multiple-case study of seven industrial companies in the energy and processing industries and industrial services was conducted. Measures for developing OHS management skills during the following stages of a management career were identified: 1) recruitment, 2) orientation, 3) competence assessment, 4) competence development, 5) performance assessment and measurement, and 6) incentives and rewards. This study suggests practical organizational measures for developing managers’ OHS competence at different career stages as general management competencies. Developing managers’ OHS competence provides them with knowledge of their responsibilities and expectations, as well as company-wide OHS objectives and practices to improve OHS and operational efficiency.

Keywords: Occupational Health And Safety, Safety Management, Management Skill, Competence Development

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001139

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