mHealthINX – The mental Health experience concept

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Miroslav SiliMartin BachlerElisabeth BronederRéne LuigiesNiklas-Aron Hungerländer

Abstract: mHealthINX is an international research project that aims to design and develop a digital-based solution that supports older employees (55+) in pro-moting and strengthening their mental health. Age-related decline of physi-cal and cognitive abilities can raise challenges and stressful situations for older adults at work. Although older workers are in general more capable of managing and coping with stress-related situations than their younger coun-terparts, at some point, many become overwhelmed, can experience a de-crease in their productivity, or face a higher risk of health-related issues. mHealthINX seeks to alleviate these problems by providing a user-friendly digital solution that supports older employees in monitoring their stress lev-els, make themselves aware of stressors, and preventing stress-related conse-quences. The prototype will provide mental health assessments and mental health-promoting features such as cognitive training, mindfulness, and techniques and tools supporting users in learning to cope with stressors. This work aims to depict the mHealthINX solution's concept and highlight the in-terplay between it’s frontend components. Next to the concept, this work fo-cuses on the user experience and user involvement results gained from the first and second workshops held in Switzerland and the Netherlands.

Keywords: Mental Health, Stress Management, Virtual Reality, Occupational Stress Prevention, Ux

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001140

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