Video game design to promote environmental conservation
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Miguel Cobos, Carlos Borja
Abstract: The objective of this research was to design a video game to promote environmental conservation in school children. This work was based on the SUM methodology as well as the considerations proposed by Schell and Rogers. Working meetings were held with the data obtained from the research instruments, aiming to place the project in a context close to the participants, so that the final product would be very familiar to them; then the characters that should also be within the context and the script as a key piece in the telling of the story were determined. To generate the video game design document, the recommendations made by Rogers were considered. In this project we have worked directly with the target audience, generating rapid prototypes that allowed the refinement of this, finally we obtained the design document, which will serve as the basis for its development. It is expected with this video game to get students interested in environmental conservation.
Keywords: Video Game, Multimedia, Environment
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001142
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