Behavior patterns detection in the interaction with flat screen technology work-systems
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Lorena Olmos Pineda, Jorge Gil Tejeda
Abstract: The most common work systems with flat screen technology in learning environments of Public Universities in Mexico are mainly determined by mobile devices and laptops. From comparative analysis with mathematical models, it was observed the existence of behavior patterns from the interaction processes that a group of users with normal vision performs on these technological devices. It has been detected from these studies that the interaction processes with a work system are not continuous, they are integrated by a large number of temporary interaction micro-processes which are grouped into sub-systems and they tend to vary depending on the work system in which the user interacts. In addition, it was observed that these processes are hierarchically preceded by two stages: The first stage refers to the location, where factors of spatiality and the focal attentional subsystem are involved. The second stage is integrated of temporary micro-processes of gross motor interaction. It is from the precise spatial location that the processes of fine motor interaction start and the interaction with the work system is executed. Therefore, it is concluded that they are work systems that require visuospatial skills of precision from the user. At the same time, it was detected that the continuous repetition of these patterns tends to generate in the user an habituation to these work systems, which could generate repercussions in various dimensions on the user, highlighting those mentioned as follow: accessibility, psychological and cognitive factors, health and inclusion of user groups. These studies are intended to promote reflections on the design of work systems considering user groups and the behavior models that these systems generate, as well as the inclusion of users whose dominant system is not the vision.
Keywords: Work Systems, Temporal Micro-Processes Of Interaction, Visuospatial Competences, Cycles Of Human Interaction, Design.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001144
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