Applying Minecraft Education to Pedagogical Teaching
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Omar Cóndor-Herrera, Pamela Acosta-Rodas, Carlos Ramos-Galarza
Abstract: Emerging teaching methodologies have reached restructuring educative scenario, leading to the implementation of novel teaching ways, using not conventional elements, such as videogames in the teaching process, it is the case of Minecraft education. This is a learning platform based in games, promoting creativity, collaboration and problem-solving in a digital immersive environment, that allow teachers to work with their students on lessons or projects of different subjects. Applying as basis, gamification and transforming educative scenarios into ludic environments, complementing them with STEM learning, which improves and increases students’ motivation.
Keywords: Gamification, STEM, serious games, teaching, teaching strategies
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001100
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