Integrating System-independent Learning Content with the Benefits of Digital Game Based Learning

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Daniel AtorfSergius DyckEhm Kannegieser

Abstract: Serious games following the ideas of Digital Game Based Learning (DGBL) by Marc Prensky mainly focus on designing a learning system which feels like a real game - while also teaching learning objectives. Descending of the enjoyment of the activity itself, serious games should provide states of optimal subjective perception of performance and peaked intrinsic motivation, influencing learning effects positively.“Lost Earth 2307” is a serious game following the ideas of Prenzky. It was developed by Fraunhofer IOSB for the knowledge domain of remote sensing. Previous studies and evaluations on the game found demand for a more modular and streamlined framework, which should support the needs of the learner without neglecting the need of authors and trainers. Such a framework should provide independence between knowledge domain (mainly content for learning objectives) and the game itself (mainly game mechanics and game loop). Implementing standards to incorporate multi-faceted knowledge domains of third party learning systems while keeping the main game mechanics in place, results in relevant learning content brought together in a serious game following the ideas of DGBL. This paper first reviews standardized state-of-the-art methods and technologies that enable a learning systems to invoke and communicate with other external learning systems. In the second step, the methods and technologies are discussed on the basis of the given objectives. Based on the discussion, a conceptual design and a system architecture is presented. The paper concludes with recommendations for future work.

Keywords: Interoperability, Digital Game Based Learning, Learning Content Creation, Serious Games, Learning Systems

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001149

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