Augmented Reality and digital marketing. Impact on advertising campaigns and promotion

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Monica Daniela Gómez RiosDaniel Humberto Caicedo EstacioMiguel Angel Quiroz MartinezMaikel Yelandi Leyva Vazquez

Abstract: Technological advance allows the virtual fusion of objects that are beyond our reach. Augmented reality makes it easier to have objects from the virtual world to the real world. This allows many of the commercial activities that use old or conventional methods to be improved more innovatively. Information is a crucial factor in all aspects and even more so in sales activities where the evaluation of the product from different perspectives is a strong indicator in decision-making, which is why how this information is exposed is important. seen from the consumer's point of view. The problem is to determine the effects that the use of visual information produces on real images in the field of marketing and to evaluate the impact that the use of this technology has on people since it is not always possible to affirm that when using AR the result is successful since in some cases the result is not favorable. The objective is to distinguish the impact that the use of AR has in advertising campaigns through digital marketing. The methodology used is of a descriptive-analytical type to carry out a deep and progressive analysis of the references; in addition to a qualitative approach to analyze the social practices of AR. Among the results obtained from the analysis carried out, a list of advantages and disadvantages in the use of AR in advertising campaigns is presented through the use of different types of digital marketing applied to different areas, a list of ways to implement AR to expose the options that must be taken into account when presenting information about a product in a campaign or promotion, and the degree of acceptance that clients have of AR advertising campaigns as a digital marketing strategy through surveys carried out with people of different ages, genders, and knowledge, taking into account determining factors for the success or failure of the implantation of AR in a system. It was concluded that AR is a powerful tool used in digital marketing to promote a product or carry out a campaign in a more innovative way and allows the information to be reflected in the consumer's memory for a longer time, which ensures that the product is better appreciated and there are more possibilities for its commercialization, it also has more consumer attraction for the product and competitive advantage. According to the results analyzed, most people have more acceptance of the product with AR given that the way of presenting it is more innovative, but not all aspects of AR are favorable, in terms of use AR loses ground concerning conventional digital marketing methods. Much of the AR information is not yet known, so interacting with this technology can be quite tedious or in some cases impossible for people who are not very attached to the technological world. AR is a multipurpose technology, but in the field of marketing there is still a long way to go in terms of usability, but compared to the visual benefits it brings, it would not impede its full development.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Digital Marketing, Advertising Campaigns, Promotions

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001162

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