Use of virtual social networks and social skills in university students from northern Peru.

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Cynthia Milagros Apaza PancaPolan Franbalt Ferro GonzalesJosé Oscar Huanca FríasLucio Ticona CarrizalesMaría Gregoria Sánchez PrietoPedro Jesús Maquera LuqueSilverio Apaza Apaza

Abstract: The use of online social networks is giving rise to a line of research focused on the phenomenon of addiction that occurs due to the intense use of technologies and the Internet. The objective of the study was to determine the re-lationship between the use of virtual social networks and social skills in universi-ty students from northern Peru. The design was non-experimental, cross-sectional, correlational. A survey was applied as a technique and the instruments were two questionnaires, the Test of addiction to the use of social networks-ARS and a Test scale of social skills-EHS. It was found that 71.7% of students showed a low level of obsession with the use of virtual social networks, 27.2% medium level, while 1.1% high level. Concluding that addiction to social net-works has a significant relationship with social skills; that is, the greater the use of social networks, the greater the development of social skills. Keywords: Addiction, college students, social skills, social media

Keywords: Addiction, University Students, Social Networks

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001173

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