ARunning: A Discussion on the Role of Augmented Reality-assisted Application in Amateur Runner Athletes
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Jiayi Zhu, Xi Zheng, Xin He, Yu Yun
Abstract: This research aims to explore and demonstrate the advantages of ARunning compared with traditional sports methods by studying the research status and development trend of augmented reality assisted sports applications, so as to realize the design and development of ARunning and enrich the form and development of ARunning. It also conducts usability testing and evaluation for the user experience, so as to realize the preliminary exploration on how AR can complement the practical application of sports psychology. In order to test the impact of ARunning on amateur runners' decision-making, experience during running, and feeling after running, we conducted live and online research on amateur runners. The results show that the popularization and application of this program will improve amateur athletes' exercise level to a certain extent and reduce their emotional burden, and it is likely to become the main motivation for users to participate in sports.
Keywords: Augmented Reality, Sport, Experience, Long Run, Amateur Runner Athletes
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001175
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