Total Productive Maintenance Model applying SMED and FMEA to increase the overall efficiency of equipment (OEE) in the food sector
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ernesto Altamirano, Karen Caballero-Rojas, Oscar Palacios-Aguilar
Abstract: In the manufacturing sector, the Lean philosophy is well known for proposing the reduction of waste within the industry, which is manifested in terms of downtime within companies. In a sector of large proportions such as mass consumption food, the reduction of these losses translates into significant savings in the business economy, so key indicators, such as the OEE, are used to evaluate the efficiency of the process in terms of quality, performance and availability. Within this context, this article presents an application model of Total Productive Maintenance (TPM), using FMEA for the diagnosis and SMED for the optimization of the results, within its structure; which was validated through a pilot test, achieving an increase of 5.17% in the OEE of the sauce production line of the company in the case study, demonstrating the effectiveness of the model within contexts whose losses lie in prolonged machine downtime.
Keywords: Lean, Tpm, Smed, Oee, Cip Wash
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001187
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