Model based on SLP and work study to increase productivity in a bakery SME in Peru
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Percy Castro, Diana Cadillo-Hidalgo, Yassef Yacub-Sotelo, Edgar Ramos
Abstract: During the last decade, SMEs of bakery products in Peru have presented high production costs due to the empiricism in carrying out activities generating times that do not add value to the process, which directly influence low productivity. Furthermore, this sector has potential growth that must be exploited using innovative methods to achieve greater competitiveness. Furthermore, there is little evidence in the scenario of bakery SMEs that seek to reduce travel times in the process and improve methods in the production ar-ea. This article presents a model that integrates the SLP methodology and work study with the aim of increasing productivity in a bakery SME by optimizing the resources used and generating significant cost savings. The model was validated in a Peruvian bakery, where productivity was improved from 1.22 to 1.45.
Keywords: Productivity, Work Study, Manufacturing, Slp, Layout, Bakery
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001188
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