Biomaterials and Technologies for Sustainability

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Heyul ChavezHenry Juan Javier NinahuamanW. Cochachi PomaGrimaldo QuispeLuis RiveraFrancisco Dominguez

Abstract: The research designs and developed a biofertilizer from Mycorrhiza and Rhizobium evaluating its antagonistic capacity and biotization in the cultiva- tion of vegetables with a DCA, the sample considers potatoes, peas and barley in the District of Huasahuasi, with 9 treatments in three formulas, considering a control group without inoculation and two repetitions. As a result, the optimal formula is obtained with 300g of mycorrhiza and Rhizobium strains + 500g of black soil + 200g of potato peel bran, which has an effective antagonistic capacity of 100% in pea crops, 90% in the barley and 85% in the potato, besides that it achieves a biotization in the pea crop of 95%, in the barley 100% and in the potato 90%.

Keywords: Biotización, Biofertilizante, Micorriza, Rhizobium, Vegetales

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe1001192

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