Necessity of distance learning implementation during the pandemic: modern reality of Ukrainian universities
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Ilona Boichevska, Liudmyla Veremiuk, Inna Nesterenko, Anna Ivanchuk, Inna Liubchenko, Lesia Polishchuk
Abstract: The article deals with online platforms through which blended learning takes place at Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University on the example of the discipline “Foreign Language” taught to students of the speciality Tourism and Hotel and Restaurant Business. The mechanism of e-learning courses creating in the Moodle information environment system has been analyzed. The advantages of the platform are indicated, in particular free access, ease of use, a large number of activities that increase the motivation and interest of students. At the same time, the difficulties of work in the Moodle information environment system for both students and teachers are highlighted. It is determined that technical and computer training of both teachers and students is important to achieve high positive results. It is recommended to conduct pieces of training and seminars to improve the professional level of foreign language teachers who administer Moodle courses and students who use them.
Keywords: Distance Education, Distance Learning Platform, Online Service, Online Application, Synchronous Learning
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100837
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