Design of a Ventilation System Using a Vertical Confluent Multi-jets System
Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Eusébio Conceição, Vasco Correia, Maria Inês Conceição, Maria Manuela Lúcio, João Gomes, Hazim Awbi
Abstract: The design of a ventilation system using a vertical confluent multi-jets system is analyzed in this study. In this work is made not only the design, but also the de-scendent airflow calculation. In the inlet system, the vertical confluents jets sys-tem is made with two horizontal ducts located above the head level. The outlet system is built with six vertical ducts located in the central area above the head level. The design was developed inside an experimental chamber with dimensions of 4.50×2.55×2.50 m3 and was built with an inlet and an outlet systems using ducts with 0.15 m diameter. The vertical ducts are made with consecutive nozzles in both sides of the horizontal main duct. The vertical, longitudinal and transversal airflow fields are evaluated. The results show that this ventilation system furthers the extraction of contaminating human bio-effluents and guarantees low levels of Draught Risk.
Keywords: Human Thermal Response, Computational Fluids Dynamics, Computational Aid Design, Adi, Draught Risk.
DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100848
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