What situations trigger intense emotions in automobiles?

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Kyungjoo ChaJoseph GiacominLee SkrypchukYoungok ChoiBryce Dyer

Abstract: Driving involves a variety of events and activities that stimulate emotional experiences. The aim of this investigation was to examine automobile experiences and to identify affective themes. 245 UK-based participants were recruited using a purposive sampling strategy. One study consisted of an online questionnaire which inquired about the automotive experiences which proved most emotionally intense. The second consisted of a simulator based immersive driving experience, followed afterwards by a questionnaire which inquired about the automotive experiences which proved most emotionally intense. Questionnaire responses were clustered into themes using a content analysis method. The study identified 13 major themes and 44 sub-themes. The findings provide guidance regarding the triggers of emotional responses which designers can use to better understand and to improve automotive experiences.

Keywords: Affective Scenario, Automobile, Design Scenario, Emotional Context, Real-Life Experience

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100862

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