Imparting Media Literacy to the Elderly Evaluating the Efficiency and Sustainability of a two-part Training Concept

Open Access
Conference Proceedings
Authors: Dietmar JakobSebastian Wilhelm

Abstract: Elderly people often feel overstrained by the increasingly fast progress of digitization. Due to the strongly informal learning behavior of the elderly, particular concepts for improving their media literacy are needed to reduce existing barriers. Numerous concepts for this have already been developed, but their success has not yet been comprehensively evaluated.This study examines the suitability of an existing, two-part training concept consisting of seminars and supportive consultation hours for the sustainable teaching of media literacy in dealing with smartphones, tablets, or PCs. For this purpose, a quantitative study is conducted among participants of a corresponding offer (N=100). This work confirms that seminars in small groups combined with supportive consultation hours are very well suited to impart the media literacy of elderly people in the long term. 82% of respondents stated that their media literacy had improved after taking part in a seminar (n=74), and 86% now claim to use at least one digital device more often (n=74).

Keywords: Elderly, Digital Technology, Media Literacy, Surveys And Questionnaires, Quantitative Study

DOI: 10.54941/ahfe100841

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